Isotopes have the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons
unstable isotopes tend to decay into other elements and give out radiation as they try to become more stable (they try to balance the number of protons and neutrons in their nucleus or get rid of any excess energy. This is radioactive decay
Alpha particles are helium nucli
alpha radiation is when an alpha particle is emitted from the nucleus. An alpha particle is two neutrons and two protons
They don't penetrate very far and are Stopped quickly by a sheet of paper
highly ionising
Beta particles are high speed electrons
A Beta particle has no mass and a charge of -1
moderately ionising and penetrating, can be stopped by a sheet of aluminium
For every beta particle released a neutron in the nucleus is turned into a proton
Gamma rays are EM waves with a short wavelength
Gamma rays penetrate far into materials without being stopped and will travel a longdistance