Reproduction involving only one parent, with no fusion of gametes and no mixing of genetic information, leading to genetically identical offspring (clones)
Reproduction involving the fusion of male and female gametes formed by meiosis, leading to the mixing of genetic information and variation in the offspring
In asexual reproduction, the offspring are genetically identical to their parent, but in sexual reproduction the offspring have a mixture of characteristics from both parents
Organisms that reproduce asexually are more affected by changes in the environment than those that reproduce sexually, as asexual reproduction does not introduce variation
Plants reproduce sexually through flowers, with pollen and egg cells produced by meiosis, but many can also reproduce asexually through runners, bulbs, etc.
Figure 2 shows the fast changing variation in malaria parasites results from a life cycle that includes mitosis alone in humans and a combination of meiosis and mitosis in the body of a female mosquito