Session 8 Health promotion and behaviour change

Cards (6)

  • Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their health.
  • The Donabedian Model (2005) identifies three distinct categories of measures used for the evaluation of the provision and success of healthcare.
    • Structure (Infrastructure, resources, demographics etc)
    • Process (diagnosis, treatment etc)
    • Outcome (morbidity, mortality, cost etc)
  • Secular Trend: Changes over a long period of time, generally years or decades
  • Lay beliefs represent an individual’s subjective and informal explanation for the world around them (including explanations relating to health and illness) that do not necessarily have to concur with scientific knowledge.
  • Five dimensions identified in cognitive perceptions of illness?
    • Identity
    • Cause
    • Timeline
    • Consequences
    • Controllability/curability
    • A hypothesis is an untested idea or assumption.
    • A theory provides an explanation for observations in data.