Infection and response

Cards (71)

  • What are pathogens?
    microorganismsthatcause disease
  • What are the 4 pathogens?
    Virus, Bacteria, Fungi, Protists
  • How are pathogens spread?
    - water
    - air
    - direct contact
  • How can the spread of disease be reduced/prevented?
    - Contraception
    - Vaccination
    - Hygiene
    - Sterilising water
  • How does bacteria make us ill?
    bacteria producetoxinsthatdamage tissue
  • How do viruses make us ill?
    virusesreproduce inside cells, causingcell damage
  • What's the difference between bacteria and viruses ?
    - bacteria multiplies in thebody- virus multiplies incells
  • What are the viral diseases?
    - measles
    - HIV
    - tobacco mosaic virus
  • What are the bacterial diseases?
    - salmonella
    - gonorrhoea
  • Symptoms of measles
    - fever
    - red skin rash
  • How is measles prevented?
  • How is measles spread?
    the inhalation ofdropletsfromsneezes and coughs
  • Symptoms of HIV
    flu likesymptoms
  • How is HIV treated?
  • How is HIV spread?
    sexor exchange of bodily fluids
  • Why are AIDS bad?
    weakened immune systemmeans body can't deal withinfectionsorcancers
  • Symptoms of Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV)
    discolourationof leaves
  • How does TMV affect plant growth?
    less chlorophyllin discoloured area soless photosynthesis-no proteinsforgrowth
  • How is Salmonella spread?
    - bybacteriaingested in food- food prepared inunhygienic conditions
  • How is Salmonella prevented?
    vaccinating poultry
  • Symptoms of Salmonella
    - fever
    - stomach cramps
    - vomiting
    - diarrhoea
  • Symptoms of Gonorrhea
    -pain while urinating- thickyellow/green discharge
  • How is gonorrhea transmitted?
    sexual contact
  • How can gonnorhea be treated?
  • How can gonnorhea be prevented?
  • Symptoms of Rose Black Spot
    purple/black spotson leaves
  • How is Rose Black Spot spread?
    bywater or wind
  • How can Rose Black Spot be treated?
    fungicidesand/orremoving the affected leaves
  • How does rose black spot affect a plant?
    less chlorophyllin discoloured area soless photosynthesis-no proteinsforgrowth
  • Symptoms of Malaria

    recurrent episodesoffeverandchills
  • How is Malaria prevented?
    -preventingthevectors(mosquitos) frombreeding- usingmosquito nets
  • What are the human defence systems?
    -Skin>oils kill pathogens-Nose>mucusandhairstrap pathogens-Trachea/bronchi>mucus traps pathogens, thenciliawafts tostomach-Stomach>HCl acid kills pathogens
  • How do WBC fight infection?
    - antibodies
    - antitoxins
    - phagocytosis
  • What are antibodies?
  • How do antibodies destroy pathogens?
    - Antibodiesbind to the antigenscausing thepathogenstoclumptogether- White blood cellengulfs pathogens
  • How does phagocytosis destroy pathogens?
    - Phagocyteengulfs and ingests pathogen- Phagocytedestroys pathogenusingenzymes
  • How do antitoxins destroy pathogens?
    antitoxinsstick to toxinsandcounteracttoxins
  • What is a vaccination?

    small quantitiesofdead pathogeninjected into the body
  • How does vaccination work?
    -dead pathogenisinjected- white blood cells arestimulated to make antibodies-memory cellsare made- upon reinfectionantibodiesare madequicklyandin large quantities,reducing infection
  • How does herd immunity prevent spread of pathogens?
    there isless people to carry and pass on pathogenstovulnerable people