
Subdecks (1)

Cards (25)

  • whoami
    Checks your privilege level (are you an admin?)
  • systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Name" /C:"OS Version"

    Checks the Windows version
  • net users
    Lists users
  • net user <your_username>

    Checks account details
  • ipconfig /all
    Views network configuration (internal IP addresses, subnet masks, gateways)
  • netstat -ano
    Reviews active connections and listening ports
  • wmic process list brief

    Lists running processes
  • wmic service list brief

    Lists running services
  • wmic product get name, version

    Lists installed applications and versions
  • If you find services running as SYSTEM from writable locations, consider replacing the executable with your payload
  • For outdated software, search exploit databases for known vulnerabilities and corresponding exploits
  • User enumeration might reveal accounts part of the Administrators group, try common passwords or password spraying
  • Discovered internal IP addresses suggest other systems on the network that might be less secure, consider pivoting to these systems
  • wmic
    Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC) tool
  • wmic process list brief
    Command that lists brief summaries of all running processes on a Windows system
  • Process ID (PID)

    Unique identifier for each process
  • Command line arguments
    Additional information passed to the process or application at startup