most influential institution in society - takes individuals from age 4, for 6+ hours a day over a period of at least 12/13 years - bombards them with a vast amount of knowledge
attendance and punctuality
faith school
a school that teaches a general curriculum but with a particular religious character or having formal links with a religious organisation
introduced in 2004 by New Labour
grammar school
a secondary school which you need to pass the 11+ to go to (selection by ability)
church school
a school which is committed to Christian beliefs
private school
fee paying schools that may or may not follow the national curriculum
these primary and secondary schools are directly funded by central government but not controlled by local government
schools can decide how to spend their own budget and can make more of their own decisions e.g. opening hours
may receive additional financial support from sponsors
specialist school
schools which focus on certain areas of the curriculum to boost achievement
government gave extra funding to help schools to improve in their chosen subject
started in 1994 but ended by new Coalition government in May 2010