Cards (9)

  • neoliberalism
    economic doctrine (set of beliefs) that has a major influence on educational policy regardless of the political party in power
    believe that the state should not provide education
    a free market economy encourages competition and drives up standards - argue that the value of education is based on how well it enables the country to compete in the global market, schools should be more like businesses and operate in an education market
  • governments shouldn't intervene and provide state funded schools
    schools should be private and run themselves to create competition and higher standards
  • central principles of New Right Realism
    conservative political perspective who incorporate Neoliberals economic ideas
    conservative version of functionalism
    have influenced educational policy in Britain and elsewhere
  • similarities between functionalists and NRR
    both believe that some individuals are more talented than others
    believe in meritocracy
    agree with Durkheim (social solidarity) and Parsons (social and academic skills) that school should socialise pupils' into shared values and provide a sense of national identity
  • differences between functionalists and NRR
    NRR don't believe schools today function in the positive manner described by functionalists - outdated ideas
    current education system isn't achieving its goals today - doesn't adequately prepare many students for the working life in modern society
  • Chubb and Moe's criticism of state schools

    state funded education doesn't have to respond to pupils needs in the same way private schools do
    parents and communities can't do anything about failing school as they're controlled by the state - inefficient schools with poor results don't change
    private schools deliver higher quality education as they have to answer to paying consumers - parents
    in all state education systems, leaders take a one size fits all approach - disregard individual and community needs or the needs or employees for skilled and motivated workers
  • Chubb and Moe's solution to overcome the issues with state schools
    a market system needs to be installed - give control to consumers
  • Chubb and Moe's voucher system

    each family would be given a voucher to spend on buying education from a school of their choice
    allow consumers to shape schools themselves, meeting their own needs and improve efficiency
  • New Right Realist perspective evaluation
    low standards in some state schools are the result of inadequate funding not state control
    marxists argue that education imposes the culture of the ruling class, not a shared culture or 'national identity' as NRR perspective argue