Who was elected president and chancellor in Jan 1919?
Friedrich Ebert
Which parties gained most seats in the Jan 1919 National Assembly elections?
Mostly moderate parties. Social Democratic Party 40% seats, Centre Party 20% seats.
What was Article 48?
allowed the president to make a law without going through the Reichstag in an emergency situation
What was the structure of the government in the Weimar Republic?
coalition government/ proportional representation. Each party gets 1 seat for every 60 000 votes.
What was the role of the Chancellor?
Chosen by president and could decide what laws could be passed unless bypassed by the Reichstag.
What was the Reichstag and Reichsrat?
The two houses of parliament in the Weimar constitution who could vote on which laws to be passed.
After WW1, how many soldiers died/ were injured?
11 million fought in the war. Nearly 2 mil died and 4 mil wounded.
By how many marks did government debt go up in Germany after WW1?
100 billion marks
What was the Treaty of Versailles?
Treaty that ended war
What were the territorial terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
All colonies given to Allies. Rhineland demilitarised. Coal to be mined in the Saar by France.
What were the military terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
Army not to exceed 100, 000. Banning of aircraft and submarines.
What were the economic terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
£6.6 billion in reparations. Cattle and sheep to Belgium & France.
What was Article 231?
Blame clause in Treaty of Versailles
What was the "Dolchstoss theory"?
Stab in the back theory - politicians had betrayed the military by surrendering and signing the armistice.
What was the Spartacist Uprising?
Jan 1919, 50 000 members of the communist group led by Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht staged a communist uprising.
What did the Spartacists take over?
government's newspaper and telegraph bureau
Who were the Freikorps?
Bands of soldiers who refused to disband and formed private right-wing armies - they opposed the Republic.
How many members did the Freikorps have?
250 000 men in March 1919
What was the Kapp Putsch?
1920, Wolfgang Kapp led a Freikorps takeover after they had disbanded.
How many political assassinations were committed by right wingers from 1919-22?
How many political assassinations were there between 1919 and 1923?
What was the French occupation of the Ruhr?
Jan 1923 - Germany defaulted on reps, so French troops occupied the Ruhr industrial area. Confiscated industrial goods, e.g. coal mines, steel works, factories
How many industrial reserves were there in the Ruhr?
80% of German coal, iron and steel reserves
How did Germans respond to the Ruhr occupation?
passive resistance
How did the French respond to the passive resistance?
expelled 150 000 from the area, killed 132
How much did a loaf of bread cost in 1922 and 1923?
100 marks in 1922, 200 000 billion marks in Nov 1923
Who was benefited by hyperinflation?
-People in debt, because they could repay their debts with worthless money.
-Farmers, as their products remained in high demand.
Who was not benefited by hyperinflation?
-People on fixed incomes, e.g. students, pensioners, the sick because incomes didn't keep up with prices
-People with savings - money became useless
Who was Gustav Stresemann?
Chancellor of Germany August - Nov 1923, foreign secretary for 6 years onwards
What were the terms of the Dawes Plan?
1924 - Ruhr evacuated in 1925, German Reichsbank formation under Allied supervision, US loans, more time to pay reps
How much money did the US loan Germany?
Began with 800 mil marks, over 6 years nearly $3000 million
What was the temporary currency introduced by Stresemann in 1923?
Rentenmark. In the following year, converted to the Reichsmark, a new currency backed by gold reserves & supported by Reichsbank
What was the Young Plan?
-Reduced total reparation debt from £6.6 billion to £2 billion
-Germany was given 59 years to pay (longer)
Industrial output has doubled by what year?
What was the Locarno Pact?
1925 - Germany, France, Britain and Belgium agreed to respect each others territory. New border with France to improve relations.
When was Germany given a permanent seat in the League of Nations?
Sep 1926
What was the Kellogg-Briand Pact?
Signed by 64 countries in 1928 - it outlawed war as a solution to international rivalry