Cards (7)

  • Adult literacy: Reflects education provision. Wealthier countries have higher education rates and quality of education. This is a result of more government spending
  • Access to safe water: Reflects government investment of basic services and in reservoirs and supply systems. In LEDCs, due to low government investment, water is not separated from sewage and there will be high levels of water borne diseases (e.g. Cholera)
  • Number of doctors per 1000 people: LEDCs have less finances to pay for doctors, less hospitals and less training. In LEDCs doctors are mainly found in urban areas
  • Life expectancy at birth: Reflects quality of medical care and education, as well as housing standards, diet and sanitation.
  • Infant mortality rate: Reflects quality of post-natal care for mother and child. In LEDCs pneumonia and dehydration are the main causes of infant mortality
  • Problems with social indicators: Adult literacy rates conceals gender differences (e.g. Afghanistan bans girls eduction)
  • Problems with social indicators: Urban populations in LEDCs have better access to healthcare and education