Electrolysis of copper sulfate solution using copper electrodes
1. Pour some copper sulfate solution into a beaker
2. Measure and record the mass of a piece of copper foil
3. Attach it to the negative terminal of a dc supply, and dip the copper foil into the copper sulfate solution
4. Repeat with another piece of copper foil, but this time attach it to the positive terminal
5. Make sure the electrodes do not touch each other, then turn on the power supply
6. Adjust the power supply to achieve a constant current as directed by your teacher
7. After 20 minutes, turn off the dc supply
8. Carefully remove one of the electrodes, gently wash it with distilled water, then dip it into propanone, lift the electrode out and allow all the liquid to evaporate
9. Measure and record the mass of the electrode
10. Repeat with the other electrode