Cards (29)

  • Made up of blood, heart, and blood vessels.
  • Function-> transports substances around body. Moves absorbed nutrients from small intestines to all the body cells. Carries wastes from body cells for disposal. Carries Co2 to lungs to be released into air. Moves disease-fighting white blood cells to areas of the body where viruses/bacteria are. Regulates body temperature.
  • Heart is made of types of tissues such as cardiac muscle tissue, nerve tissue, connective tissue, and epithelial tissue.
  • Cardiac muscle tissue is unique to heart and has unconscious movement.
  • Nerve tissue regulates heartburn.
  • Connective tissue supports heart.
  • Epithelial tissue covers muscles and nerves, reduces friction and protects heart from damage when lungs expand and contract.
  • Divided into 2 distinct halves. Prevents oxygenated blood from mixing with deoxygenated blood. Left side carries oxygenated blood and right side carries deoxygenated blood.
  • Oxygenated blood: blood gets oxygen in lungs.
  • Deoxygenated blood: blood with low oxygen saturation in comparison to blood leaving lungs.
  • Blood: made of types of connective tissue. Has 4 four parts: red and white blood cells, platelets, and plasma.
  • Red blood cells-> 45% of blood's volume. Contains hemoglobin (oxygen-carrying molecule). Hemoglobin makes blood red. RBC carries oxygen to body cells and CO2 away from body cells.
  • White blood cells -> <1% of blood's volume. Only blood cell with nucleus and infection fighting cells.
  • Platelets-> <1% of blood's volume. Tiny fragments of cells that are involved in blooding clotting.
  • Plasma-> 55% of blood's volume. Protein-rich liquid in which red blood cells float in.
  • Heart -> organized into 4 chambers. Peacemaker cells tell the heart to contract and pump blood. Valves in heart make sure blood always goes the right way.
  • Arteries: take oxygen rich blood away from your heart to all of your body cells.
  • Veins: takes blood full of waste and Co2 back to your heart to be breathed out by your lungs. (contains valves.)
  • Capillaries: tiny blood vessels that deliver oxygen to cells in body and takes away CO2 and waste
  • 3 types of blood vessels: arteries, veins, and capillaries.
  • Co2 moves from cells into blood and out through lungs, other waste goes through the kidney then gets excreted through urine.
  • The heart is a thick muscle tissue that beats to pump blood all around your body through all the blood vessels.
  • Circulation of blood: heart pumps blood to lungs, oxygen goes into blood, CO2 leaves.
  • Blood travels through arteries, veins, and capillaries.
  • Arteries and capillaries gives oxygen to cells.
  • Blood returns to heart through veins.
  • RS and CS. once oxygen moves from lungs, it has entered circulatory system. blood then flows around blood vessels of circulatory system, pumped by heart, deliver oxygen and pick up carbon dioxide fro all body cells.
  • Coronary Artery Disease: blood vessels provide nutrients to heart muscle tissue. Arteries can become blocked with plaque(deposits of fats, cholesterol, calcium, etc. Builds up due to health. An angiogram (fluorescent dye injected into blood is x-rayed) can detect this and preventative measures can be taken before this disease turns fatal.
  • Heart attack -> when coronary arteries become completely blocked with either a blood clot or plaque. Heart stops pumping and tissue begins to die. An electrocardiogram measures electrical signals from the heart as it beats. Damaged tissue signals are different than healthy signals.