Capillaria hepatica life cycle
1. Adult worms are located deep within the liver parenchyma and lay hundreds of eggs in the surrounding parenchymal tissue
2. Eggs trapped in the parenchyma can not be passed in the feces and remain in the liver until the animal dies, or more likely, is eaten by a predator or scavenger
3. Eggs ingested by scavengers are unembryonated and are passed in through the digestive tract into and out in feces
4. Eggs embryonated in the where they require air and damp soil to become infective
5. The cycle continues when embryonated eggs are eaten by a suitable mammalian host
6. Infective eggs hatch in the intestine, releasing first stage larvae (oviparous) . The larvae penetrate the intestinal wall and migrate via the portal vein to the liver parenchyma within 3-4 days. Larvae take about 3-4 weeks to mature into adults and mate. Humans are usually infected after ingesting embryonated eggs in fecally-contaminated food, water, or soil