
Cards (12)

  • What are 6 features of the paschal candle?
    Light- Jesus
    Fire-Jesus eternal light
    Cross- Resurrection
    Year- God's eternal presence
    Alpha and Omega- Jesus is beginning and end of all things
    Incense grains- Jesus 5 wounds during crucifixion
  • What are the four last things?
  • Why is the paschal candle lit at funerals?
    To show the deceased has joined Christ in the resurrected life, in heaven. It is a sign of hope
  • Arguments FOR euthanasia:
    Our body our choice- why does the pope decide?
    It is loving as ending a loved ones suffering "clothe yourselves with kindness and compassion"- ST PAUL
  • Give examples of memorials for the dead used by Christians
    paschal candle
  • Explain two ways that a Catholic funeral rite may help people after someone has died. (4)
    -taken to church in a coffin and sprinkled with holy water (1)
    -this is a reminder of Baptism showing how the deceased now shares in Jesus' resurrection and life after death is a reality (1)
    -Lord's prayer is said "OUR FATHER" (1)
    -Gives family peace that deceased was a Child of God who has been returned to his loving care (1)
  • Two christian beliefs about particular judgement
    Happens immediately after we die
    Involves seeking forgiveness and assessing all the bad and good we have committed in our lives
  • two contrasting views about care of the dying (5)
    Many Christians believe we should never stop caring for the dying because we should support them through their suffering and sharing of Jesus' pain. (1)
    This can be done by palliative care such as hospices (1)
    However, liberal Christians believe that the dying should have the choice to end their suffering through euthanasia. (1)
    This is because it is not compassionate to force someone to live in constant misery, restriction and pain (1)
    proving Jesus' commandment of "Love thy neighbour" (1)
  • two beliefs shown in the Last Judgement (5)
    Jesus gives the final judgement after we die. (1)
    Represented as Jesus is the central figure, a demonstration of his central omnipotent role in judging all of humanity. (1)
    Hell is an undesirable place of torture as in the painting, the people move towards hell in despair. (1)
    Belief supported in the Bible in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus where the man describes hell as "agony in these flames" (1)
    This shows how Hell is eternal separation from eternal happiness and Jesus' light (1)
  • tombstone cross shape?

    reminds us of Jesus death - death is not the end
  • monument christian symbols and skulls?

    reminder of faith
    reminder of mortality
  • The Kingdom of God is perfect when everything that limits the harmony of society and causes injustice is removed. The Church teaches that justice is a sign of the Kingdom because it ensures equal rights for all.
    Justice achieves rights to all who are created and loved equally by God. Catholics must help ensure the dignity of every person regardless of race, colour, gender or religion, to spread God's kingdom on earth.