M4 L8: Getting Started with Arduino

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  • Lesson 8.1 Introduction to Arduino
    Arduino is an open-source prototype platform that combines user-friendly hardware and software. It consists of a circuit board, known as a microcontroller, which can be programmed, and a ready-made software called Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment), used to write and upload computer code to the board. Arduino offers a standardized form factor that simplifies the functions of the microcontroller into a more accessible package
  • Lesson 8.2 Arduino UNO Board
    In this lesson, we will learn about the different components of the Arduino board. Specifically, we will focus on the Arduino UNO board, which is the most popular board within the Arduino family. It is considered the ideal board for beginners to delve into the world of electronics and coding. While certain boards may have slight variations in appearance, the majority of Arduinos share these common components
  • Lesson 8.2 Arduino UNO Board
    1 = Power USB
    2 = Power (Barrel Jack)
    5, 17 = Arduino Reset
    7, 8 = Power Pins (5V, GND)
    10 = Analog Pins
    13 = Power LED Indicator
    15 = Digital Pins
  • Lesson 8.2 Arduino UNO Board
    Power USBArduino Board can be powered by using the USB cable from yourcomputer. All you need to do is connect the USB cable to theUSB connection (1)
  • Lesson 8.2 Arduino UNO Board
    Power (Barrel Jack)
    Arduino boards can be powered directly from the AC mains power supply byconnecting it to the Barrel Jack (2).
  • Lesson 8.2 Arduino UNO Board
    Arduino Reset
    You can reset your Arduino board, i.e., start your program from the beginning. You can reset the UNO board in two ways. First, by using the reset button (17) on the board. Second, you can connect an external reset button to the Arduino pin labelled RESET (5)
  • Lesson 8.2 Arduino UNO Board
    Power Pins (5V, GND)
    3.3V (6) − Supply 3.3 output volt
    5V (7) − Supply 5 output volts
    GND (8) (Ground) − There are several GND pins on the Arduino, any of which can be used to ground your circuit
  • Lesson 8.2 Arduino UNO Board
    Analog Pins
    In Arduino Uno, there are six analog pins, labeled A0 to A5. These pins areused for analog input and can measure voltage levels between 0 and 5 volts. Unlike digital pins that can only detect two states (HIGH or LOW), analog pins allow you to read continuous analog values, making them useful for interfacing with analog sensors or other analog devices
  • Lesson 8.2 Arduino UNO Board
    Power LED Indicator
    This LED should light up when you plug your Arduino into a power source toindicate that your board is powered up correctly. If this light does not turn on,then there is something wrong with the connection
  • Lesson 8.2 Arduino UNO Board
    Digital Pins
    The Arduino UNO board has 14 digital pins (of which 6 provide PWM (PulseWidth Modulation) output. These pins can be configured to work as input digital pins to read logic values (0 or 1) or as digital output pins to drive different modules like LEDs, relays, etc. The pins labeled “~” can be used to generate PWM
  • Lesson 8.5 Sample Projects in Arduino
    1. Monitor ECG and Respiration using your Arduino
    2. Crying Baby Detector
    3. Third Eye for the Blind
    4. Arduino Breathalyzer
  • Lesson 8.5 Sample Projects in Arduino
    Monitor ECG and Respiration Using your Arduino
    The ECG respiration shield elevates a medical device to another level. What was once perceived as a complex system for monitoring the electrical activity of the heart has now transformed. The new device isportable, less complex, and an efficient ECG monitoring system. This project serves as a demonstration of how to utilize the ECG shield in conjunction with Arduino
  • Lesson 8.5 Sample Projects in Arduino
    Crying Baby Detector
    inspired by the concept of a Baby Monitor, but with a few notabledifferences. The idea behind this project is to take certain actions whenthe baby starts crying. For instance, it automatically plays soothing music to help the baby fall back asleep. Additionally, it utilizes white noise, which refers to soft, comforting sounds or music that help calm the baby and facilitate sleep. If the baby fails to fall back asleep, the system gradually increases the volume of the music to create a sense of security
  • Lesson 8.5 Sample Projects in Arduino
    Third Eye for the Blind
    an innovative device, aims to assist blind individuals in navigating their surroundings with enhanced speed and confidence. By utilizingultrasonic waves, the device can detect nearby obstacles and provide notifications through buzzer sounds or vibrations. The device can be easily worn as a band or incorporated into clothing. Another option is having a guide animal such as a dog, but this can be prohibitivelyexpensive.
  • Lesson 8.5 Sample Projects in Arduino
    Arduino Breathalyzer
    It is a device used to estimate blood alcohol content (BAC) based on a breath sample. In simple terms, it is a tool to determine if a person is intoxicated. As the title suggests, this particular breathalyzer is powered by Arduino. It utilizes the MQ-3 alcohol sensor from SparkFun.