M6: Claims in Writing

Cards (16)

  • In academic writing, claims are the arguments or the main ideas backed up with evidence that supports the idea.In choosing a topic/issue for your claims, note that it should be debatable and controversial to our society. Claims are not claims if you are just giving facts and evidence about a certain topic. Again, a claim must be arguable but stated as a fact
  • Type of Claims
    According to Barrot (2020), “when reading a text critically, it is imperative that you identify the types of claim or the approach to the topic it uses to see the main argument.
    1. Claim of fact
    2. Claim of policy
    3. Claim of value
  • To identify the claims, focus on the first and last sentences of a paragraph. The details in each paragraph will also guide you as to whether a text supports or opposes a certain claim or argument. The three general types of claims are claim of fact, claim of policy, and claim of value
  • Claim of Policy
  • Claim of Fact
  • Claim of Value
  • Vaping can lead to increased blood pressure, lung disease, and insulin resistance.
    Claim of Fact
  • The basic keys to success are perseverance and discipline.
    Claim of Value
  • Studies have shown that exposure to violent media is a risk factor for violent behaviors
    Claim of Fact
  • The Career Support Network is an excellent resource for people who are considering a mid-life career change
    Claim of Value
  • In order to ensure that graduates are competitive for top jobs in their fields, the college must put additional resources into its career services office and internship programs.
    Claim of Policy
  • Astronomical Union announced that Pluto is not actually a planet, expert disagree on what characteristics define a planet.
    Claim of Fact
  • Increased investments in solar power will benefit national security by reducing dependence on fossil fuels.
    Claim of Policy
  • Parents should not only be aware of how their children are using social media, but also understand the potential positive and negative impacts of social media use.
    Claim of Policy
  • Advances in computer modeling have made it possible to create completely new types of architectural structures.
    Claim of Fact
  • Euthanasia, which is also known as mercy killing, is decent act to end a person's life to alleviate his/her suffering.
    Claim of Fact