DNA and protein synthesis

Cards (7)

  • Protein synthesis is the production of proteins
    there are 2 stages
    transcription - where DNA is converted to mRNA
    translation - where the mRNA joins with ribosome and corresponding tRNA molecules bring the specific amino acid the codon codes for
  • transcription
    DNA helix unwinds and hydrogen bonds are broken, this forms 2 template strands (only 1 is used), this is catalysed by DNA helicase
    free mRNA nucleotides align opposite the complementary bases on the template strand
    RNA polymerase catalyses the formation of phosphodiester bonds to form pre-mRNA
    splicing removes the introns
    mRNA leaves through nuclear pores into cytoplasm
  • Transcription
    in cytoplasm, mRNA attaches to ribosome, the ribosome is attached at start codon
    the tRNA anticodon binds to complementary mRNA codon and held in place by ribosome
    the tRNA brings a specific amino acids
    the ribosome moves along so another tRNA can attach to next codon
    the amino acids are joined by a peptide bond, requires enzyme and ATP
    tRNA released once amino acid has joined
    this continues until stop codon
    polypeptide chain detaches and enters Golgi body for folding
  • tRNA molecule
    A - amino acid attachment site
    B - anticodon - complementary to mRNA codon
    The anticodon aligns with complementary codon on mRNA so the tRNA delivers correct amino acid
  • introns and exons
    introns - non-coding sequences, make up majority of DNA
    exons - coding regions, code for amino acid sequences
  • Genome- complete set of genes in a cell
    proteome- full range of proteins a cell is able to produce
  • mRNA
    Single-stranded molecule
    uracil bases are present
    significantly shorter than DNA so its able to carry genetic code out of nucleus