M10: Academic Writing

Cards (15)

  • Book Review
    A book review is simply a description and an evaluation of a book that one has read. Its focus is on how the book has delivered its message to its readers.
  • Reading Tips
  • Writing Tips
  • The following things are for consideration as well when writing a book review:
    1. Field or genre of the book
    2. POV of the author
    3. Style and literary devices used by the author (fiction)
    4. Definition of concepts
    5. Characters, plot, and/or setting and its relation to the theme of the book (fiction)
  • What to Do Before Writing the Literature Review:
    1. Clarify
    2. Find models
    3. Narrow don topic
    4. Consider timeliness of sources
  • Research is a precise, objective, meticulous and systematic effort in solving problems with a procedure to realize its objectives. It requires in-depth studying of variables from its proposal to its fruition
  • Characteristics of Research
    1. It is a collected knowledge from both primary and secondary sources.
    2. It is a systematic and accurate investigation following a procedure.
    3. It involves careful planning from data collection to data analysis.
    4. It is objective and rational.
    5. It is done with utmost patience in order for researchers to generate logical information.
    6. It takes precision as it follows a procedure, offers conclusions, and recommendation, and makes proper documentation.
  • Types of Research
    1. Basic Research
    2. Applied Research
    3. Developmental Research
  • Basic Research
    • This type of research looks into basic truths or principles, the reason for why it is called fundamental research or pure research.
    • The understanding of X-ray properties began with Wilhelm Rontgen in 1895.
  • Applied Research
    • This type of research aims to acquire new knowledge or solve a specific problem. 
    • Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine in 1953.
  • Developmental Research
    • This type of research follows a scientific method to respond to an immediate need of improving existing practices.
    • Gillette developing a better shaver annually.
  • Classification of Research
  • Two Kinds of Proposal
    1. Informal Proposal
    2. Formal Proposal
  • Informal Proposal
    • Text is 5 pages or less excluding attachments- project’s scope is narrow and is appropriate for a less formal proposal
    • Requested by client for a learner preference or a less formal document
  • Formal Proposal
    • Text is over 5 pages excluding attachments
    • Project’s scope is wide and is appropriate for formal proposal
    • Requested by client for a more formal document