Fundal height measurements correct for dates
Previous abortion in 50% or more of previous pregnancies
History of primary or secondary infertility for 3 years
No previous low-birth-weight infant (< 2.5 kg)
Previous stillbirth or neonatal death
No previous still birth or neonatal death
Previous difficult delivery or prolonged labor
Uterine anomaly or fibroids
No previous high birth weight infant (>4.0 kg)
Previous uterine surgery including cesarean section
Abnormal hemoglobin (sickling etc)
Essential hypertension: 140/90 or greater
Renal disease with or without hypertension
Sexually transmitted diseases
Diabetes mellitus
Heart disease unless mild and well tolerated
Renal disease with hypertension or impaired renal function
Antepartum hemorrhage
Pre-eclamptic toxemia
Moderate intrauterine growth retardation
Premature labor or rupture of membranes at 34-37 weeks
Multiple pregnancy
Breech after 36 weeks
Other malpresentation after 36 weeks
Anemia (less than 10 g/dl) not responding to treatment, 32 weeks upward
Post-maturity (42 weeks and more)
Rhesus antibodies
Cervical incompetence
Premature rupture of membranes between 28-33 weeks
Fetal abnormality-incompatible with life
Severe intrauterine growth retardation
Uncontrolled premature labor before 34 weeks