Cards (4)

  • “if you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not, speak then to me “
    • biblical allusions
    • natural imagery is parallel to the bible; Banquo seeks solace in biblical teachings - protecting him from malevolent supernatural forces
    • semantic field with “seeds” and “grains will grow” - reinforces how Banquo remains obedient to the natural order and God
    • he doesn’t alter his position unlike Macbeth
  • “candles are all out”
    • emblematic of Jesus - confesses his temptation
    • claims heavens “candles are all out” referring to lack of stars in the sky
    • seeks solace from heaven
    • juxtaposes “stars hide your fires”
  • “ I dream’d of the three weird sisters”
    • still plagued by thoughts of the witches prophecies
    • superstition is taking a hold of him and trespassing on his unconscious
    • contrast to macbeth “i think not if them“ he is honest, characterising him as moral in order to amplify Macbeths dishonesty and deception
  • “he hath the wisdom and that doth guide his valour in safety“
    • said by Macbeth about Banquo
    • Banquo is a foil to macbeth as macbeth embodies reckless power, whereas Banquo has self-constraint and control
    • Macbeth envies Banquo ability to restrain his ambition and refrain from over-indulgence into ”deep desires“