M7A: Fundamentals of Theatre I

Cards (37)

  • Apron
    The stage floor between the front edge of the stage and the front curtain
  • Arena stage
    Staging in the center of a room with the audience sitting on all sides of the playing area; sometimes called theatre in the round
  • Aside
    Words spoken by a character to the audience rather than to the other characters, who supposedly DO NOT hear the speech
  • Audition
    Tryout for a part in a play, t.v. show or movie
  • Backdrop / Drop
    A painted canvas or muslin curtain hung from a batten to form part of the scenery
  • Backstage
    The area behind the scenery not visible to the audience
  • Batten
    A horizontal pipe suspended over the stage, from which scenery, lights or curtains are hung; also called a rail
  • Blocking
    The director's planned movement for the actors
  • Casting
    The process of selecting actors for various roles
  • Cold readings
    When an actor auditions for a role without having read the script beforehand
  • Counter-cross
    Moving in the opposite direction and out of the way of another actor who is moving across the stage
  • Cross
    When an actor moves from one side of the stage to another
  • Cue
    A directive for action
  • Director
    The person responsible for interpreting the script, creating a viable production concept, and directing the actors
  • Downstage
    The area of the stage closest to the audience
  • Dress rehearsals
    A run-through with all technical elements, including costumes and make-up
  • External traits
    Characteristics that make up a character's physical appearance, such as posture, gestures, mannerisms, voice and clothing
  • Flats
    Pieces of canvas or plywood attached to wooden frames, painted and linked together, to create walls and doors on stage
  • Fly space
    The area above the stage where scenery, drops and lights are hung when not in use
  • Fourth wall
    The imaginary wall through which the audience views the play
  • "Going-up"

    When an actor forgets lines during rehearsal or a performance; also called blanking
  • Grand drape
    The curtain that covers the opening of the proscenium arch
  • Grand valance
    Used in conjunction with the grand drape. It masks the scenery and equipment just up stage of the proscenium arch
  • House
    The place where the audience sits
  • House lights
    Auditorium lights used before and after the play and during intermission
  • Illusion of the first time
    The actor's ability to perform in a show over and over while making it appear that the dialogue and situations are happening for the first time
  • Improvisation
    An impromptu scene where the actors make up the dialogue and action on the spot
  • Legs
    Narrow, vertical stage drapes used for masking
  • Load-in
    The moving of scenery and associated equipment into the theatre and their positioning on the stage
  • Method Acting
    An approach that calls on the actor to use personal experience and sense memory to develop a character
  • Monologue
    A long speech spoken by one actor
  • Motivation
    A specific reason for saying or doing something
  • Off-book
    Having a part memorized so that a script is no longer needed
  • Pantomime
    Telling a story or presenting an idea through bodily movement and expression without words
  • Playwright
    Person who writes and develops the script
  • Producer
    Person who selects the script, finds the financial backing and hires all production personnel
  • Project
    Increase voice so it will carry to the audience