M7C: Stage Production

Cards (32)

  • Theatrical Production
    The planning, rehearsal, and presentation of a work presented to an audience at a particular time and place by live performers, who use either themselves or inanimate figures, such as puppets
  • Dramatic Productions
    • Conform to a written text
    • Representation of actual or imagined life
  • Nondramatic Productions
    • No imitation of "another existence" but simply the entertainment or excitation of the audience by the performer
  • In Europe and the United States several forms arose in the 20th century that combines dramatic and nondramatic material
  • Vaudeville, or music hall
    • Employs a succession of various acts, such as fictional sketches, musical and dance numbers, and feats of dexterity, of which some are representational and others are not
  • Musical Theatre
    • Song and dance serve both to further the narrative and to provide a break from purely dramatic presentation
  • This variety also characterizes much Asian theatre, in which dramatic moments are elaborated in dance exhibitions
  • Major Roles in a Theatrical Production
    • The Director
    • The Producer
    • The Assistant Director
    • The Actors
    • The Stage Manager
    • The Assistant Stage Manager
    • The Running Crew
    • The Production Manager
    • The Set Designer
    • The Construction Crew
    • The Decorating Crew
    • The Technical Director
    • The Light Crew
    • The Sound Crew
    • The Props Coordinator
    • The Props Crew
    • The Costume Coordinator
    • The Costume Crew
    • The Makeup Coordinator
    • The Makeup Crew
    • The House Manager
    • The Publicity
    • The Box Office
    • The House Staff
  • The Director
    Responsible for the main vision of the production. They must interpret the script and the characters relationships. They lead rehearsals and determine stage blocking. They need to communicate their needs to the various departments.
  • The Producer
    Funds the production and designates a Director
  • The Assistant Director
    Provides support to the Director and the specifics of the role would be determined between the two. Depending upon the nature of the production, this role might focus more on actors or on supporting the technical departments.
  • The Actors
    Deliver the script, work with the director to determine relationships with the other characters, and strive to fulfill the pacing and tempo decisions of the director. Actors are responsible to the Director, the Assistant Director, and the Stage Manager.
  • The Stage Manager
    Responsible for the running of the stage during production. They are required to call for the cueing of lights, sounds, sets, props, and actors during the show. The stage manager is constant communication with the Director, the Actors, the House Manager, the Production Manager, the Assistant Stage Manager, and the Running Crew.
  • The Assistant Stage Manager
    Provides assistance to the Stage Manager. The support will be determined in concert with each other, and may specialize in any of the production areas.
  • The Running Crew
    Responsible for the placement and removal of sets and props during scene changes. They follow the direction of the Assistant Stage Manager. A Sound Technician from the Sound Crew and a Lighting Console Operator from the Light Crew follow their cues as "called" by the Stage Manager.
  • The Production Manager
    In consultation with the Director, oversees the development of set, prop, costume, makeup, lights, and sound. They are responsible to assist in the creation of a unified look throughout all the above areas. They assure each of the other areas meets deadlines in a timely manner.
  • The Set Designer
    Works in consultation with the Director and the Production Manager to articulate the primary vision of the production through the design and creation of sets. Sets can be realistic or implied; giving the audience a sense of where the action of the play is taking place.
  • The Construction Crew
    Works as a team to fabricate the set according to the design of the Set Designer. Team members consult with the Set Designer to complete the working set.
  • The Decorating Crew
    Once a set has been constructed and approved, applies paint, wall paper and texture to the set to give it a look and feel that meets the specifications of the Set Designer. Decorating requires a unique set of artistic skills.
  • The Technical Director
    Works in consultation with the Director and the Production Manager to develop the lighting, sound and special effects requirements for the production.
  • The Light Crew
    Responsible for the servicing, hanging, colourfiltering and focusing lighting instruments to meet the design specifications developed by the Technical Director.
  • The Sound Crew
    Music, sound effects and sound reinforcement are all the domain of the Sound Crew. They must fabricate the sound track for the production, collecting or creating the sounds necessary for the play. They are also responsible for designing and setting up the Public Address system and monitoring speakers.
  • The Props Coordinator
    Works in consultation with the Director and the Production Manager to develop the necessary props for the production.
  • The Props Crew
    Works as a team to design, create and build each of the properties for a play based on the script and the Director's interpretation. Props are given final approval by the Director.
  • The Costume Coordinator
    Works in consultation with the Director and the Production Manager to develop costuming for the actors. The creation or collection of costumes requires extensive research and knowledge of the measurements of each actor.
  • The Costume Crew
    Works as team to take the measurements of each actor and to organize and care for costumes. If costumes are to be sewn for the play, it is the duty of the costume crew under the direction of the costume coordinator to create outfits matching the vision of the Director.
  • The Makeup Coordinator
    Works in consultation with the Director and the Production Manager to develop appropriate makeup for the actors. Makeup must be inventoried and purchased within a set budget for any production.
  • The Makeup Crew
    Works with each actor on the night of a production, applying makeup according to the needs of the play as outlined by the Makeup Coordinator. The Director must give final approval of makeup applications before the opening of any production.
  • The House Manager
    Responsible for the audience side of the curtain. They are responsible for the arrival, seating, and dispersal of audience.
  • Publicity
    The Publicity Coordinator is responsible for advertising and promotion of the production.
  • Box Office
    Responsible for the sale of tickets and in coordination with the House Manager the organization of seating.
  • House Staff
    Responsible for the seating of the audience, program dispersal, and the general order and cleanliness of the seating area.