C+P, Whitechapel Revision

Cards (126)

  • Name 2 Crimes againt the Person:
    - Murder
    - Assault
    - Public Disorder
    - Rape
  • Name 2 Crimes against the Property:
    - Arson
    - Theft
    - Counterfeiting Coins
  • Name 1 Crime against Authority:
    - Treason
    - Rebellion
  • In Anglo-Saxon England, how many men would be in a tithing?
    10 men - all over the age of 12
  • What would someone raise if they witnessed a crime?
    A "Hue and Cry"
  • What were the 3 types of Trial By Ordeal in Anglo-Saxon England?

    - Trial by Hot Iron
    - Trial by Cold Water
    - Trial by Hot Water
  • Who was the Wergild fine paid to?
    The Wergild fine was paid directly to a victim's family.
  • What was the name given to a public punishment, which aimed to humiliate anyone guilty of a crime?
    Stocks and Pillory
  • What year did the Battle of Hastings occur?
  • Who took the throne after the Battle of Hastings?
    William the Conquerer
  • Between 1066 and 1087, how many people are estimated to have died as a result of food shortages?
  • What was the Murdrum fine used for?
    The Murdrum was a large sume of money paid by the hundred where a body was found IF the murderer was not captured.
  • How much of England's Forests became Royal Forests under the Forest Laws?
  • What was it Illegal to do on Royal Forests?
    Graze Animals, Kill Wild Animals and take wood without a licence.
  • What was the name given to someone who attempted to avoid trial and punishment by running away from their community?
    An Outlaw
  • What new Trial by Ordeal did the Normans introduce and what was it used to resolve?
    The Normans introduced Trial by Combat and it was used to resolve disputes between 2 people, typically over land or money.
  • What year were prisons set up by Henry II, under the changes known as the "Assize of Clarendon"?
  • How often would Justices in Eyre visit each county?
    Twice a year
  • What did the Statute of Labourers make it a crime to do?
    It made it a crime to ask for higher wages.
  • What year was the Statute of Labourers passed in Parliament?
  • What year were Justices of Peace introduced?
  • What year did Trial by Ordeals come to an end?
  • What was used instead of Trial by Ordeal?
    Trial by Jury
    - The Jury would be made up of 12 men who would decide whether the accused was guilty or innocent at the end of the trial.
  • Why were Church Courts considered more lenient?
    They very rarely used the death penalty as a sentence, and could enforce minor punishments like a pilgrimage or a confession and an apology at mass.
  • What verse of the Bible would people have to recite to claim the Benefit of the Clergy?
    Psalm 51 - which later became known as the "neck verse"
  • How many days would someone have to leave the country after claiming Sancturary?
    40 days
  • When did Sancturary come to an end and under whose reign?
    1536 under the reign of Henry VIII
  • How many heretics did Mary I burn at the stake?
  • What year was the Witchcraft Act introduced?
  • What year was the Vagrancy Act introduced?
  • What year were the Poor Laws?
  • What did the Poor Laws do?

    - All Local Parishes had to provide Poor Relief to the "deserving poor"
    - The "underserving poor" could be branded, whipped or sent to one of the Houses of Corrections
  • Why did enclosure cause?
    It caused more people to move away from villages and into towns in search of paid work.
  • What 2 new roles were established in towns?
    Night Watchmen and Town Constables
  • Who was expected to carry out the role of Night Watchmen?
    All male town citizens were expected to carry it out at some point.
  • What duties did Town Constables have?
    - Collected payments for Road Cleaning
    - Had some powers of arrest, without needing a warrant from a JP
    - Expected to turn serious criminals into the courts
  • Who were professional thief takers?
    The Thief Taker was paid a reward for catching a criminal, many criminals also operated as thief takers so it made it extremley unreliable.
  • What year was Bridewell Prison opened?
  • What were the two different lengths for Transportation?
    7 or 14 years
  • How many Capital Crimes were there in 1688?
    50 Capital Crimes