culture and society impacted by international migration

Cards (21)

  • +ve impacts of international migration
    increased cultural diversity in the UK (depends on the player)
    gain skills and jobs which help work against the UK's ageing population
  • -ve impacts
    Fuelling population growth that has put pressure on public services
    tensions between different players - intolerance and the rise of extremism in Europe
  • why does impact vary?
    concentration of international migration varies
    different players intolerance
  • Rwanda Scheme and the EU has created uncertainties to the extent of international migrants impact
  • the government is the gatekeeper player for affect international migration flows because of different policies
  • 1971 Immigration Act 

    Gave migrants who arrived during Windrush indefinite leave to remain
  • 2024
    Rwanda Scheme
  • the two main migrant groups are EU migrants and migrants from former colonies
  • migrants from the EU reached their peak in 2016 at 500,000
  • Indian migrants found work in manufacturing, textiles and the service sector e.g., heathrow
  • The Windrush generation arrived after WW2 following job shortages in the newly created NHS
  • in 2022 Asian and Asian British increased to 9.3% from 2% in 2011
  • migrants impact on culture
    music - grime
    food - doner kebab
    built env - Bilal mosque and anand sweets
    enriched UK culture, created diasporas
  • intolerance from players
    OGs in Boston Lincolnshire do not like the Polish migrant population
    Notting hill riots
  • migrants fuel population growth - net migration has accounted for 60% of the UKs population growth
  • 14% of Yorkshires NHS nurses are non-UK born residents
  • 39% of the fastest growing businesses in the UK have at least one migrant co-founder
  • UK needs to attract international migration as it has an ageing population
  • Initial Indian migrants settled in West London e.g., Hounslow
  • West Indies migrants settled in areas such as Brixton
  • 3 million migrants from 1940s-70s