
Cards (92)

  • Altar
    The specially blessed table of sacrifice where the bread and wine are offered to God at Mass
  • Tabernacle
    The place in the church where the consecrated hosts are kept
  • Restoration
    Bringing the universe back to the way God originally made it
  • Risen Christ
    State of Jesus (above) which focuses on Christ as the risen, glorified Saviour
  • Ascension
    40 days after Jesus resurrected he rose up to heaven
  • Redemption
    Through Jesus' death humans are reunited with God after they die
  • Salvation
    Humans are saved from sin and eternal separation from God by believing in Jesus
  • Liturgy
    Formal worship written down
  • Salvation metaphors
    The tree of Irenaeus and the slave trade from St Anselm attempt to understand salvation
  • conscience
    The voice of God in your heart and soul, guiding you to make choices
  • Source and summit
    Mass is the source and summit. Source of a good Christian life; summit, the highest form of prayer
  • Words of institution
    The words Jesus used at the Last Supper
  • Central Focus at Church
    The Altar
  • How do churches help and inspire worship?
    • Statues of Saints encourage and inspire Christians to follow in their examples
    • Side chapels so believers can pray in a quiet space
    • Images like the Stations of the cross inspire Christians to reflect on Jesus' suffering
    • Lots of care put into design and decoration shows devotion and respect to God
  • Before 1965
    Facing east towards Jerusalem, Shape of a cross, Altar against east wall, Said in Latin, Priest with back to congregation
  • After 1965
    Altar more towards centre of church
  • Why did Pre 1965 churches face east towards Jerusalem
    City where Jesus died and resurrected
  • Why were Pre 1965 churches built in the shape of a cross
    Reminder of Cross on which Jesus died
  • Why do post 1965 churches have the altar more towards the centre
    To make sure as many people feel involved as possible. So they can see and join in with the mass
  • Lectern
    Reading stand where Bible readings are given from
  • Crucifix
    Model or image of a cross with Jesus crucified on it reminding christians of the suffering Jesus went through to save humanity
  • Two ways Last supper and crucifixion are remembered at mass
    Altar and Table
  • Why do christians use Table to remember the last supper and crucifixion at mass?

    Reminds congregation that the mass is a re-enactment of the Last Supper.
  • Why do christians use The Altar to remember the last supper and crucifixion at mass?

    Place of Sacrifice and Thanksgiving so the cogregation joins in with giving thanks for Jesus' sacrifice. Reminder that Jesus' sacrifice is being made over and over through offering of bread and wine
  • What is the most important altar for Catholics
    The cross Jesus died on
  • Three ways Catholics remember Jesus' death and resurrection
    Crucifix, Cross, Risen Christ
  • Why may Some catholics prefer the crucifix?
    Reminder of suffering Jesus endured out of his love for humanity, helps christians to feel grateful for his sacrifice. Many Christians like it to be present at mass as this service re-enacts the sacrifice of Jesus' death
  • Why may some Catholics prefer the Cross
    Symbol of Christ's victory of sin and death as he is not on the cross because he is risen. Christians who are wary about portraying Jesus through art may prefer to use a cross
  • Why may some Catholics prefer the Risen Christ
    Focuses on Christ as the risen glorified saviour similarly to the cross. Ut reminds Christians that they recieve the body, blood, soul and divinity of the risen christ.
  • Why can people sin
    God gave us Free Will
  • Why did God give free will
    He wants humans to actively choose him rather than follow him because they can't do anything else
  • Sin
    An action or thought that rejects the will of God
  • Original Sin
    The inbuilt tendency all people are born with to commit sin
  • How did Jesus' DEATH restore the relationship between God and humanity and restore the harmony within creation
    Lived his life in total obedience to the will of God the Father especially through his sacrifice and death which restored God and human's relationship
  • How did Jesus' RESURRECTION restore the relationship between God and humanity and restore the harmony within creation

    Destroyed the ultimate power of sin and death- people can still sin and die but people can now overcome them and be with God after they die
  • How did Jesus' ASCENSION restore the relationship between God and humanity and restore the harmony within creation

    Helped to restore Cosmic order by making whole of creation perfect as originally intended
  • Jesus' death redeemed humanity through his total obedience to God through sacrficing his life to make up for the sins of humanity so they could be with God
  • Jesus continued to show love even when suffering e.g.: he forgave his executioners
  • Quote to show significance of Christ's resurrection
    "If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins"
  • Jesus' resurrection made life after death possible (Catholics believe the accounts of the resurrection actually happened rather than being myths like genesis creation)