
Cards (13)

  • Civil Unrest
    • In the period leading up to the First World War there were many examples of civil unrest in countries throughout Europe as working men and women challenged oppression.
    • The events in Russia wich culminated in te revolution of 1917 is a prime example of this.
  • World war death count 

    The total of war dead in the 1st World War is thought to be more than 8 million.
  • Fishing Trip through Albert to reach Beaucourt

    The Albert-Beapaume road was a focal point of the July period of te Batte of the Somme
  • Marxist theorists undertsand society as being divided along class line.
    They say that in capitalist societies, the rich keep their power by controlling what people think and believe. They also believe that society's structure is based on how people make things, and capitalism will eventually be replaced by socialism and communism.
  • Jacks's son John having Diphtheria
    • without vaccination, diphtheria is a life-threatening illness that affects the upper respiratory tract.
    • since the immunisation of children in the 1940s, it has almost been eradicated in Britain.
  • Captain Gray who is an avid reader of Tomas Hardy to Viennese school of psychiatry.

    • Sigmund Freud is one of the founders of psychoanalysis; he is alluded to in the reference to the Viennese School of Psychiatry.
    • Gray's interest in psychoanalysis is apparent when he discusses, later in Part two Stephens's penchant for superstitions.
  • Stephen fighting with new men called Kitcheners Army (pg185-212)

    • Kitchener's army is the colloquial name for troops recruited for the purposes of the war.
    • Lord Kitchener was the state secretary of state for war and his face was used on recruitment posters telling Britons 'Your Country Needs You'
  • Casualties Battle of Somme
    • on the first day of the Battle of the Somme, on 1 July 1916, there were 58,000 British casualties; a third of these lost their lives.
    • This remains a record for the loss of life of British troops in this time frame.
  • Modernism Movement
    Modernism is a movement in the arts that was greatly influenced by the destruction of certainties following the First World War.
  • It's a long way to Tipperary
    • Written in 1912, is one of the most famous of the songs associated with the period of the First World War.
    • The song's lyrics express a longing for home and loved ones left behind, particularly the desire to return to the town of Tipperary in Ireland.
  • Canaries in the mines during World War One
    • Canaries are used in tunnels and mines as a means of checking for gas.
    • The death/distress of the canary signified that the air was poisoned.
    • Link to Birdsong: A canary escapes in the tunnel and despite Stephen's phobia of birds he has to bring it back to the exit shaft.
  • Brennan - Nursing home 

    Founded in 1916, the Royal Star and Garter homes give care to disabled ex-servicemen and women
  • Flu Epidemic
    The flue epidemic of 1918-19 is thought to have killed between 25 million and 50 million people around the world.