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  • Social Science investigates human society and the different forces that operate within it.
  • Social Science has different fields/disciplines that look at human societies in diverse perspectives and focus on a paticular area of expertise for analysis.
  • Social Science provides social scientists with relevant knowledge, tools and skills that can help them to fully understand social phenomena.
  • Applied Social Science focuses on the practical application in the real-life settings of the diverse theories, framework, concept, and methodologies learned from the social science.
  • Applied Social science utilized to provide alternative solutions to the diverse problems of society.
  • Counseling provides guidance, help, and support to individuals who are distraught by diverse set of problems in their lives.
  • counseling is done by applying psychological methods like collection of case history data, personal interviews, and aptitudes tests.
  • Counseling is done by guidance counselors, life coaches, career counselors, personal growth counselors.
  • Guidance Counseling and Life coaching is when help are given to individuals who needed guidance or advice pertaining to their personal life transtition, business successes, general condition, career and relationship.
  • Life coach analyzes the present condition of the client, discovers different obstacles that a client faces, and provides a certain course of action to make client's life better.
  • Career counseling is needed by people who are in the process of entering the job market, searching for possible career change, or those wanting career advancement.
  • Personal growth Counseling concentrates on the evaluation of the different aspects of a client's life.
  • Personal Growth Counselors takes time to integrate the client's past and present to develop one's future plan and goals in life.
  • Practitioners incorporates the techniques and approaches of life and career counseling with investigate work.
  • Social work is where practitioners help individual, families, groups, and communities to improve their individual and collective well-being. It is where people enhance their skills and ability so that they can use their own resources and of the community to resolver social problems.
  • Social Workers are trained to interact and understand social realities. They play significant roles in duties in society, they can be involved in advocacy campaign and work, counseling, issue and conflict mediation, and research. Also serve as educators, case managers, facilitators, and agents of community change.
  • Communication Studies practitioners stress the importance of balance, objective, truthful and creative rendering of news and other important events as they actually happened.
  • Communication Practitioners are equipped with skills to write, produce, and deliver news accurately and creatively to the viewing public.
  • Counseling an art and a science wherein you endeavor yo weigh the objective and subjective facets of the counseling process.
  • Guidance and Counseling is a profession that implicates the application of " an integrated approach to the development of a well-functioning individual"
  • The primary goal is to help people utilize their social skills and problem-solving skills more functionally or to cultivate new surviving and coping skills.
  • Developmental Goals assist in meeting or advancing the client's human growth and development including social, personal, emotional, cognitive, and physical wellness
  • Preventative Goals helps client avoid some undesirable outcome.
  • enhancement goals enhance special skills and abilities
  • remedial goals assisting a client to overcome undesired outcome.
  • Exploratory Goals is examining options, testing of skills, trying new and different activiyties.
  • Reinforcement Goals validates client feeling and thought.
  • Cognitive Goal involves acquirimg the basic foundation of learning and cognitive skills.
  • Physiological Goals involves acquiring the basic understanding and habits for good health.
  • Psychological Goals aids in developing good social interaction skills, learning emotional control, and developing positive self-concept.
  • Autonomy of Individuals - The right of an individual to make his own decisions and to live his own life. If clients permit the counseling to happen, the consequence will be the client's responsibilty.
  • Principle of Nonmaleficence refers to instruction to not harm or cause harm to others.
  • Beneficence refers to the order to promote human welfare.
  • Principles of Fidelity means being loyal, dependable, reliable, and faithful to one's promises and commitments.
  • The rule of confidentiality reveals the importance of fidelity, entering a contract means to stay with the client and give the case his/her best effort.
  • Principle of Justice refers to fair distribution of resources and services, unless there is a compelling reason to do otherwise.
  • Individual Assessment seeks to identify the characteristics and potrential of every client. Promotes client's self-understanding and assisting counselors to understand the client better.
  • Individual counseling is the core activity where all the activites become meaningful. It is client-centered process and establish relationship of counselors and client.
  • Group Counseling and Guidance where groups are means of providing organized and guidance planned assistance to individuals for array of needs.
  • Career assistance provide career planning and adjustment assistance to client.