First Lesson

Cards (48)

  • Sing or Art are different manner of expressing human skills and imagination in the creation of aesthetic conditions, object and presentations.
  • Ethnic Colonial Tradition is influenced by the geographical location and the experience of the Filipinos
  • Art or Sining reflects the people, history, and traditions of the Philippines as a whole.
  • Sining or Art shares an important role in the abundant cultural identity of the Philippines.
  • Spanish Colonial Tradition is mainly influenced by religion and secularization.
  • Modern Art happened in 1860s to 1960s, it shows national identity.
  • Contemporary Art happened in 1970s to Present, it mirrors the contemporary society and culture.
  • Space refers to the emptiness which may be either positive or negative
  • Positive Space is closed by shape
  • Negative Space is the part ehich shape is inclosing
  • Line is series of dotted points
  • Forms under Line is either dotted, curved or broken lines.
  • Direction under line is either horizontal, vertical, curve, and diagonal.
  • Horizontal refers to the calmness
  • Vertical refers to the strength.
  • Curve refers to the change of direction.
  • Shape refers to the area enclosed by lines.
  • Shapes are 2D with width and height
  • Color is associated with natural phenomenon with our environment.
  • Form is a 3D with height, width, and depth.
  • Texture is the surface of an artwork.
  • Value refers to the darkness or lightness of an art
  • Proportion refers to the relationship of elements in an art.
  • Harmony refers to the unity of the element in an art
  • Rhythm refers to the repetition of certain elements to produce patterns.
  • Variety refers to the diversity of elements in an art. It is the usage of different element to break the monotony of an art.
  • Movement is the illusion of elements to produce motion in an art.
  • emphasis refers to the greater impact given to a certain element.
  • Balance is the equal and even distribution of element.
  • Aristotle said human instinct for imitation and harmony, and it lying deep in nature.
  • Picture is 2D images of various subject ranging from real-life images to the visually abstract.
  • Sculpture is a 3D art work that may be created using stoen, marble, wood and concrete.
  • Architecture are structures that meant to be used as shelter. The art of architecture relies in its purpose and designs.
  • Music is for our sense of hearing. It ids combining notes into harmony.
  • Literature is the art form of language through the combined use of words creating meaning and experience.
  • Theater is the art form of performance. Dramatical text is portray by actors or actresses and are enhance by props.
  • Cinema is the technological translation of theater. Uses special effects to enhance the storytellimg.
  • Dance is the art form of human form.
  • Angono petroglyphs are located in the province of Rizal. Was discovered by Carlos Francisco in 1965. It is a cave that has 127 human and animals figures imprinted on.
  • Banga means pots, uses in pot dances in Mountain Province.