Hard and Soft HRM

Cards (26)

  • What is hard HRM?
    Treats employees as just another resource of the business
  • Hard HRM focuses on efficiency, productivity and profitability.
  • Soft HRM focuses on employee well-being and job satisfaction.
  • Soft HRM treats people with respect and dignity.
  • Hard HRM is based on the assumption that people are motivated by money and will work harder if they receive higher pay or bonuses.
  • What is soft HRM?
    Treats employees as the most important resource of the business and a source of competitive advantage
  • Which leadeship style best suits hard HRM?
  • Is there lots of or minimal communication in a hard HRM approach?
    Minimal communication, from the top down
  • Hard HRM usually uses what type of motivation?
    Financial motivation - Taylor
  • In hard HRM there is little empowerment or delegation
  • Does hard HRM usually have a tall or flat organisational structure?
  • Does having a hard HRM approach usually have short-term or long-term changes in employee numbers?
    Short-term (recruitment, redundancy)
  • Soft HRM approach concentrates on the needs of the employees
  • Which type of leadership style does soft HRM usually suit?
  • What type of motivation does soft HRM usually use?
    Non-financial, including empowerment and delegation
  • What type of organisational structure does soft HRM better suit?
    Flatter organisational structures
  • Soft HRM focuses on job design and job satisfation
  • Is there good communication when using soft HRM?
    Yes - strong and regular two way communication
  • Why should a business use hard HRM?
    • More cost-effective workforce, particuarly is labour is used efficienctly
    • Quicker decision making
  • Why shouldn't a business use hard HRM?
    • Higher absenteeism; higher labour turnover
    • Difficulties with employee retention
    • Potential damage to business reputation
  • Which HR data can become worse is a business uses hard HRM?
    • Labour turnover
    • Employee retention
    • Absenteesim
  • Which HRM approach could possibly damage a business' reputation?
    Hard HRM approach
  • Is there slower or quicker decision making when a business uses hard HRM?
  • Why should a business use soft HRM?
    • Higher levels of motivation and productivity
    • Lower absenteeism; lower labour turnover
    • Higher employee retention
    • Better reputation
  • What HR data can become better if a business uses soft HRM?
    • Labour turnover
    • Employee retention
    • Absenteeism
  • Why shouldn't a business use soft HRM?
    Higher employee costs may leave the business at a competitive disadvanatge