Processes inside school

Cards (7)

  • Hargreaves et al

    Teachers judge students based on their appearance, enthusiasm and relations with other children. They attach a label once they test their hypothesis
  • Rosenthal and Jacobson
    Developed a fake IQ test to test whether teacher engagement was important or not towards high achievers. The 'results' of the IQ test were passed to the teachers. In 18 months, the picked children achieved greatly due to heightened teacher involvement
  • Becker
    Interactionist study of labelling by interviewing 60 high school teachers. Pupils' appearance, work and conduct were key factors in influencing labels
  • Lacey
    Differentiation - categorising students based on how they behave, ability and attitude. 'More able' students get pushed to do better.
    Polarisation - How students respond to to streaming by forming pro or anti school subcultures
  • Ball
    Study of beachside - comprehensive school in the process of abolishing streaming and banding. In favour of teaching mixed ability classes
  • Willis
    Boys prioritise 'having a laugh' in school rather than focusing on learning. They end up joining anti-school subcultures and fail themselves.
    Working class lads get working class jobs
  • Selection
    Selective Education policies are those which allow schools to select pupils on the basis of academic ability or other criteria. i.e. PISA rankings