Phase Changes and Phase Diagrams

Cards (20)

    • Phase Changes are transformations of matter  from one physical state to another.
  • PHASE DIAGRAMS is a graphical representation of the physical states  of a substance under different conditions of  temperature and pressure.
  • It gives the possible combinations of pressure and  temperature at which a certain physical state or  states a substance would be observed: Phase Diagrams
    1. Three Areas
    2. Three Lines
    3. Two Important Points (Triple Point and Critical Point)
  • Three lines are the lines that serve as boundaries between  physical states represent the combinations of  pressures and temperatures at which two  phases can exist in equilibrium.
  • Three areas are marked solid, liquid, and  vapor. Under a set of conditions in the  diagram, a substance can exist in a solid,  liquid, or vapor (gas) phase.
  • The green line divides the solid and liquid  phases, and represents melting (solid to  liquid) and freezing (liquid to solid) points.
    • Melting (or freezing) curve
    the curve on a  phase diagram which represents the  transition between liquid and solid states.
    • It shows the effect of pressure on the melting  point of the solid. Anywhere on this line,  there is equilibrium between the solid and the  liquid: Melting or Freezing Curve
  • The blue line divides the liquid and gas  phases, and represents vaporization (liquid to  gas) and condensation (gas to liquid) points.
  • The curve on a phase diagram which represents the transition between gaseous  and liquid states: Vaporization or Condensation curve
  • The red line divides the solid and gas phases,  and represents sublimation (solid to gas) and  deposition (gas to solid) points.
  • Sublimation or Deposition curve is the curve on a phase diagram which  represents the transition between gaseous  and solid states.
  • The triple point is the combination of  pressure and temperature at which all three  phases of matter are at equilibrium.
  • It is the point on a phase diagram at which  the three states of matter coexist: Triple Point
  • The lines  that represent the conditions of solid-liquid,  liquid-vapor, and solid-vapor equilibrium  meet at the triple point.
  • Two important Points: Critical Point and Triple Point
  • The critical point terminates the liquid/gas  phase line.
  • It is the set of temperature and  pressure on a phase diagram where the liquid  and gaseous phases of a substance merge  together into a single phase: Critical Point
    • Beyond the temperature of the critical point,  the merged single phase is known as a  supercritical fluid.