Gender and DEA

Cards (7)

  • Stanworth
    Classroom interactions disadvantage girls. They recieve less attention and are often negatively labelled
  • Harris
    Studied attitudes of working class boys. They see less of a need for qualifications. 'My dad has zero GCSE's and he has a good job'
  • Willis
    Lads coped with underachievement by rejecting school and joinging anti-school subcultures
  • Mac an Ghail
    Subcultures are complicated, there are different types:
    • Pro school
    • Anti school
    • Macho lad
  • Fuller
    Afro-carribean girls were labelled as failures. They worked hard to prove teachers wrong and succeeded
  • Kelly
    Science is seen as a 'male subject'. Boys dominate the apparatus and equipment during science lessons
  • Pro-school subcultures

    Girls are more likely to participate in pro-school subcultures. They are attentive in class, study in their free time and complete homework to a high standard