
Cards (11)

  • Sharpe
    Girls' attitudes have changed:
    1970's - marriage, children
    1990's - career, education
  • Mcrobbie
    Magazine representation of women:
    1970's - cook, clean, children
    Present - empowering, strong role models
  • Male gaze
    The way male pupils and teachers view girls as sexual objects and making judgements about their appearance
  • Verbal abuse
    Male pupils using derogatory words such as 'gay' or 'queer' to make fun of a boy doing an activity that is seen as feminine or 'girly'. Boys often call girls 'slags' if they seem sexually available
  • Double standards - Lees
    Boys are praised for being sexually active whereas when girls do the same thing, they are called 'slags' and 'sluts'.
    Patriarchal ideology that empowers men and belittles women
  • Gendered career opportunities
    Men often pot for practical jobs such as construction and science, steering girls away from STEM. Employment is highly gendered by male and female domains
  • Gender socialisation
    Boys and girls are socialised differently. Boys are given cars and tractors whereas girls are given dolls and kitchen sets.
  • Gendered subject images
    Science teachers are more likely to be men. Boys dominate the equipment, intimidating girls to not engage
  • Gender domains
    Men and women are socialised to stay within their domains and view certain jobs as 'male jobs' (construction, science) and 'female jobs' (nursing and midwifery).
  • Feminisation of education
    The increase of female teachers has given girls more role models and motivation to pursue higher education
  • Legitimising inequality - FEMINISM
    Upholds patriarchal structures. Channels girls and boys into particular subjects. Use of the male gaze and only seeing women and girls as sexual objects/available