RG Haemoglobin

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  • What is oxygen carried round the body by?

  • What is Hb?

  • What is the shortened version of haemoglobin?
  • What do red blood cells contain?
  • What is haemoglobin?
    A large protein with a quaternary structure(it is made up of 4 polypeptide chains)
  • What does each polypeptide chain have?
    A haem group- which contains an iron ion and gives haemoglobin its red colour
  • What does haemoglobin have?
    A high affinity for oxygen- each molecule can carry 4 oxygen molecules
  • How many oxygen molecules can each haemoglobin molecule carry?
  • What does oxygen do in the LUNGS?
    Binds to haemoglobin in red blood cells to form oxyhaemoglobin
  • What reaction happens in the lungs?
    oxygen joins to haemoglobin in red blood cells to form oxyhaemoglobin - this is a REVERSIBLE REACTION
    • Hb + 4O2  ⇌ HbO8
  • What does haemoglobin saturation depend on?
    the partial pressure of oxygen
  • What is the partial pressure of oxygen (pO2)?
    • a measure of oxygen concentration
    • The greater the concentration of dissolved oxygen in cells, the higher the partial pressure
  • What is the partial pressure of CO2?
    A measure of the conc of CO2 in a cell
  • What does Hb's AFFINITY FOR OXYGEN vary depending on?
    the partial pressure of oxygen
  • What happens where there is a high pO2?
    Oxygen loads onto haemoglobin to form oxyhaemoglobin
  • What happens when there is a lower pO2?
    oxyhaemoglobin? unloads its oxygen
  • define high affinity?
    haemoglobins with this for oxygen take up oxygen more easily , but release it less easily
  • Define low affinity?
    Haemoglobins with this take up oxygen less easily, but release it more easily
  • Define Positive Cooperativity?

    Binding of the first molecule makes binding of the second easier and so on, so the gradient of the curve steepens
  • Define partial pressure?
    The amount of a gas that is present in a mixture of gases is measured by the pressure it contributes to the total pressure of the gas mixture
  • what is Hb
    a protein with a quaternary structure.
  • what are the haemoglobins
    a group of chemically similar molecules found in many different organisms
  • Hb details from spec
    the change in shape of haemoglobin caused by binding of the first oxygens makes the binding of further oxygens easier