
Cards (106)

  • Virtues
    Good habit or a habit of doing good
  • You may know the right things to do but it doesn't mean you will execute the good
  • Doing good does not come automatically to man
  • Conditioning
    You need to condition yourself to do the good
  • Learning
    You need to learn from doing — immersion
  • Practice
    Practice makes perfect
  • Example of practice
    • Swimming
  • If you know how to swim and are suddenly pushed into the pool
    You won't drown
  • If you don't know how to swim and are pushed into a pool
    You will drown
  • Immersion in training made you familiar to the condition when the condition came you are able to respond well
  • Example of normal circumstances
    • Choosing your wife
  • When you are two in 1
    You save her and save the both of you
  • Example of capital punishment
    • Death penalty
  • Some murders should be put to death
  • Many believe that killing murderers is murder
  • Contrapasso
    Society teaches how bad an action is by how grave the punishment is
  • Keeping murderers alive results in more murders occurring
  • It is virtually impossible to execute an innocent person
  • The state is executing the criminal, not the individual
  • Virtue and Happiness

    Path to happiness
  • Acquiring virtues
    Puts us on the path to succeed
  • Core of Morality
    Figuring out what will make us truly happy in a deep and lasting way by obtaining what is good for us
  • Morality is not about rules but about seeking and obtaining the good
  • Virtues make it possible to move toward the good
  • We are most human when we make decisions towards a higher and bigger overall goal
  • God
    The only thing that can truly satisfy our infinite desire to be happy
  • Morality is not restricting your freedom but directs you to happiness
  • Morality helps you to do or choose the means to achieve the ultimate goal/happiness
  • Conditioning
    We can condition ourselves to respond in a certain way
  • The desire to be happy is infinitely embedded in our hearts
  • Confidence
    Your skills/ familiarity of the thing at hand
  • Not confident because you are not used to certain things
  • Confidence is not how you view yourself
  • 3 Kinds of Virtues
    • Intellectual
    • Moral
  • Intellectual virtues

    Good habits of the mind
  • Learning
    Understand why things are the way they are (reality)
  • Understanding
    Fixed or stable disposition of the intellect to grasp and understand why
  • Principles
    Things that do the explaining; reason why behind them
  • General rules
    Under+Stand=sub+stance- trying to understand the substance of the thing
  • Essence of things

    What makes a thing what it is