England 1558-69

Cards (43)

  • Name the 4 sections of national government
    The Queen, the court, the Privy Council, Parliament
  • What was Elizabeth's role in government
    Call and dismiss Parliament
    Foreign affairs - Declare war and make peace
    Distribute land, titles and jobs to keep people loyal
    (she needs Parliament support to pass laws or raise taxes)
  • What was the job of the court and who was it made up of
    Made up of Elizabeth's closest friends and advisors
    Role is to guide Elizabeth as well as display her power
  • What is the role of the Privy Council and who was it made up of
    Made up of approximately 20 Nobles appointed by Elizabeth
    Advise Elizabeth and enforce government in some areas.
    Monitored Parliament
  • What was the role of Parliament and what was it made up of
    House of Lords and House of Commons
    Advised the monarch, passed laws and can grant extraordinary taxation
  • Name the 2 sections of local government
    Lord-lieutenants, justices of peace (JP's)
  • What did Lord-lieutenants do and who were they
    group of Nobles appointed by Elizabeth, one from each county.
    Maintain local armies, enforced local government.
  • What did the justices of Peace do and who were they
    Large land owners.
    volunteered to enforce crown policy and maintain Law and Order through County Courts
  • Why was Elizabeth's legitimacy questioned
    The Pope refused to recognise Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII's marriage as divorce was not permitted in the Catholic Church. Anne Boleyn and Henry gave birth to Elizabeth I
    as a result many Catholics refused to accept her as legitimate
  • What are the features, apart from legitimacy challenged Elizabeth and how
    - her gender . Female monarch contradicted society's belief that men were superior to women. she lacks the skills and Intelligence to reign.
    - Mary I . left the country in debt and left Elizabeth to deal with poor harvests resulting in little money, and religious divisions
    - unmarried and reluctant to Marry . She would not be able to provide an heir to continue the Tudor Dynasty (Tudor family line). Also, marriage can be useful for Political reasons like creating unity between countries. she didn't do this
  • How did Elizabeth virginity and unwilling list to marry pose and issue
    She would not be able to provide an heir to continue the Tudor Dynasty (Tudor family line).
    Also, marriage can be useful for Political reasons like creating unity between countries. she didn't indulge in this
  • How much were the crown in-debt by at the start of Elizabeth reign
  • Why was the Crown in debt when Elizabeth came into power
    Mary I sold lots of land, inflation, Mary I also borrowed money from abroad with high levels of Interest.
  • What religion was Elizabeth
  • How did the French pose a threat at the start of Elizabeth reign
    - France was Catholic . Some feared that they would overthrow the weak Protestant crown with support of the Catholics
    - Mary, Queen of Scots (Elizabeth's second cousin) married Francis II, the king of France. When Mary I died, Mary QoS has a strong claim to the throne, and can get support from the Scottish English and French Catholics
    - France and England have been enemies for years and had been at war. France also might unite with Scotland as they are both Catholic
  • What were Puritans and what did they believe
    - strict form of protestantism
    - Direct relationship with God
    - everyone is equal in God's eyes
    - no popes or Bishops
    - churches should be minimalistic
    - the bible is peoples link to god, not the church
    - the Bible should be in English so everyone can understand it, as everyone should have an equal connection with God
  • What was the Protestant beliefs
    - there should be no Pope
    - churches should be plainly decorated
    - services should be in English
    - the Bible Acts as the link between god and the people
    - priests are allowed to marry
  • What do Catholics believe
    - the Pope is head of the church
    - there are many different positions relating to closeness to God, eg... archbishops, Bishops, priests
    - services were in Latin
    - transubstination (the miracle) . Communion becomes the blood and body of Christ when eaten
    - priests can't marry
  • Where did most Catholics live in England
  • Where did most Protestants live in England
  • How did Elizabeth resolve England's religious conflict? What were the main sections of this
    • The act of uniformity 1559
    • The Act of Supremacy 1559
    • Royal injunctions 1559
  • What was the act of uniformity 1559
    - Church attendance compulsory
    - appearance of churches . Altar replaced with a communion table
    - band Catholic mass
    - introduced the Book of Common Prayer (which was deliberately unclear in some areas to allow catholics and protestants to interpret it how they like)
  • What was the Act of Supremacy 1559
    makes Elizabeth *supreme governor* over the Church of England rather than the supreme head . satisfies people who think a woman can't be head of the church, but equally, effectively restores the monarch to rule over the Pope
    All church members must swear an oath of allegiance to Elizabeth
  • What were Royal injunctions 1559
    Introduced to *enforce* the Acts of Supremacy and uniformity
    - all Preachers need a license
    - fines issued for not attending church
    - copy of English Bible given to each Parish
    - all clergy would teach the supremacy of Elizabeth
  • What is a Parish
    a neighborhood with its own church where people went for religious services and community events.
  • What was a clergy
    important leaders in charge of church situations, helping people with their faith and advising the queen on religious matters.
  • What was the roles of the Church of England
    - helped in times of hardship
    - following the Royal injunctions, clergy needed a government issued licence to preach, ensuring the loyalty of the clergy to the Queen
    - oversaw significant life of events like baptisms, communions, weddings and funerals
    - organised religious festivals which brought local people together
    - priests are well respected and educated
    - church courts dealt with matters like marriage, inheritance, sexual offences and bigamy
  • Why did the Puritans begin to oppose the religiuos settlement
    - they wanted to develop their own church, not be controlled by the Queen
    - wanted to ban sinful activities like gambling and cock fighting
    - wanted no religious Idols like crucifixes and statues
  • What did puritans do to oppose the religious settlement involving the crusifix
    Religious settlement insisted a crucifix must be placed in each church.
    Puritans believe this is wrong
    Many Puritan clergy demanded removal of crucifixes and said they would resign if it wasn't allowed
    Elizabeth doesn't have enough clergy to replace them, so she allows it not to be enforced.
  • What 2 things did puritans do to oppose the religious settlement
    - not allow a crucifix (successful)
    - try to resist wearing vestments (not successful)
  • What did puritans do to oppose the religious settlement involving vestments
    Royal injunctions said that clergy should wear special vestments (cloaks)
    Puritans believe all people are equal in the eyes of God, so this should not happen
    Most Puritans opposed the injunction, but when Elizabeth declines any leniancy, most of them backed down. Only 37 resigned
  • How many clergy resigned when Elizabeth did not accept the puritan request to remove vestments
  • Initially, the religious settlement seemed to be accepted by most puritans, but the rows over crucifixes and vestments showed there was puritan opposition. However they never led to significant attempts to depose Elizabeth
  • What did the Pope do in 1566
    Instructed English Catholics not to attend Church of England services
  • What did the Pope do in 1570. What was the effect of this?
    ex-communicated Elizabeth from the Catholic Church.
    This provided a potential opening for Catholic countries to try and overthrow the English Queen
  • How did the Catholics rebel against the religious settlement
    - one third of the nobility and many Gentry were racusants (practice Catholicism in secret)
    - Catholic nobility Fell to their influence diminishing on the Elizabeth's regime and what positioned to start a rebellion if they wanted
    - the popes instructions in 1566 to not attend Church of England services gave Catholics a good reason to rebel
  • Why did Elizabeth turn a blind eye to The racusants some other small of Rebellion?
    She didn't want to increase the chances of a revolt
  • What was France's response to the religious settlement
    there was a religious war in France in 1562 between Catholics and Protestants. Elizabeth backed the French protestants, and hoped to take Calais in return, but this failed.
    After 1564, there was peace between England and France
  • How did Spain react to the religious settlement
    They opposed the settlement, but were preoccupied with the revolt of the northern earls, and wanted to maintain good relations with England to avoid War. However, relations worsened because of this, and Spain want to put Mary Queen of Scots (Catholic) on the throne
  • Why was Mary Queen of Scots a threat to Elizabeth's throne
    - married to Francis II (French king)
    - both devout Catholics
    - many Catholics think she should be on the throne
    - no questions about her legitimacy of the claim to the throne (ulinke elizabeth)
    > she was Henry VII great granddaughter and Elizabeth's second cousin