There are 92 peers, HoL Act 1999 keeps it at this level
Life peers are appointed by party leaders and an appointments commission e.g. Cameron, Doreen Lawrence, Thatcher
Archbishops and bishops of CofE - 26 of these, ojnly religious group with automatic reprsentation
Lord Speaker - presides over debates in the house, currentl Baorn McFall
Professional politicians - junior ministers, party members etc.
Amateur peers - not politicians but support a political party
Crossbench peers - no allegiance and independent
Party makeup
273 Conservative
174 Labour
183 cross benchers
80 Lib Dems
Legislative powers
Delay legislation (only for a year - Parliamentary acts), amend legislation (only suggestions). Cannot deal with money bills (Parliamentary acts), cannot debate on issues in gov manifesto (Salisbury Convention)
Scrutiny powers
Order gov ministers (junior ministers and Cameron, foreign secretary), to answer on govn poliy and decisions, debate on issues
Lack democratic legitimacy, and constraine by the threat of reform/abolitin e.g. Starmer