the legislative process

Subdecks (1)

Cards (14)

  • King's speech - sets out the government's main legislative program it wants Parliament to approve
    1. First reading
    Clerk reads out the title of the bill, no vote, an announcement of intent
  • 2. Second reading
    A debate in Parliament over the principle of the bill - MPs vote on whether or not to proceed to the next stage
  • 3. Committee stage
    PBCs examine the bill line by line
  • 4. Report stage
    Opportunity for the whole of Common to discuss and consider further amendments to the bill
  • 5. Third reading
    Chamber looks at the revised bill. Final debate
  • 6. Lords
    Goes to the Lords where the same process is repeated and the bill is given back to the commons - ping pong
    • Has delayed legislation - 1991 War Powers Act which would have allowed UK to prosecute war criminals even when the offence occured outside the UK
  • Royal Assent
    Final stage, signfiying the formal passage of the bill into law. urely ceremonial but reports the Royal Family see the billb before Parliament and make suggestions