Cards (10)

  • Official opposition - Labour led by Starmer
    • Given first response to the Queen’s speech and Chancellor’s budget speech
    • Given 6 questions in PMQ
    • Takes part in ceremonial state occasions e.g. 2023 Starmer met Greek PM before Sunak 
    • Forms a shadow cabinet
  • SNP led by Stephen Flynn
  • Methods
    PMQs - leader of opp given leading role
  • Methods
    UQs, DSCs, PBCs
  • Methods
    Supply days - around 20 days a year where the opposition debates any issue and holds a vote
    • 2009 - defeated the government on the issue of the Gurkhas
    • 2020 - Labour put forward a motion to extend free school meals into the half term but government rejected before later reversing their decision
  • Methods
    Humble address - used when government had no majority in Commons to demand papers
    • 2017 - Starmer used to get documents on the impact of Brexit
  • Ineffective
    Asymmetric resources
    • Short money - 2015 government cut payments
    • Lacks access to civil service
  • Ineffective
    Smaller opposition parties not given as many perks as official opposition
  • Effective
    Leader of official opposition given a lot of perks
  • Effective
    Parliamentary privilege means that MPs cannot be sued/prosecuted for libel/slander
    • 2022 - MP Bryant named Russian oligarchs and military leaders that he thinks should face sanctions