Rivers flood on a regular basis. The fat area over which they flood is known as the floodplain and this often coincides with regions where and form
When they flood velocity is slowed and deposition of any being tramperted is encou
The deposition leaves alper of sediment as the whole Foodplain aer al Pere are seven levers of sediment rock dea ce t fleadpa
In addition, the largest rocks and most depots the ver thome. The leaves a ridge of Sigher nutsal ta the river shemel en beh kano of the river known as a leve
Meandering vers can code gwylo len development by eroding laterally and helping to fames saley flows
Rivers spread out and slows down at approaches the sea, Deposition is therefore encausa theo a wider bed the diver bees no effort a biggest dirt is hoped fest and the f sedimentation
Layers of sediment build up. The river whare peda low to the causes bars or sinch of sediment to build is the of the main channel