Because of the inefficiencies in how energy is distributed and used, a staggering 10000 kg of fuel is used each year to supply the energy needed just for you
The use of fossil fuels and nuclear fuel is causing major environmental problems and increasing the levels of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, in the atmosphere
Generated when rainwater collected in a reservoir (or water in a pumped storage scheme) flows downhill, driving turbines that turn electricity generators
The Severn estuary is a promising site for a tidal power station in Britain because it rapidly becomes narrower as you move up-river away from the open sea, funnelling the incoming tide and making it higher
In some coastal areas, electricity is generated by the tidal flow passing through undersea turbines on the sea bed, with underwater cables connecting them to the national grid
Where water is pumped uphill to a reservoir when electricity demand is low, then released downhill through turbines to generate electricity when demand is high