1.2 - Memory and storage

Cards (137)

  • The need for primary storage
    • A computer system needs primary storage for any data that it needs to access quickly
    • This includes the start-up instructions, the operating system, programs that are running and any associated data
  • Random access memory (RAM)
    • Part of the main memory in a computer system
    • Holds the operating system, applications that are running and any associated data while the computer is on and in use
  • How data gets into RAM
    1. When a program is loaded, it is copied from secondary storage, such as a hard disk drive (HDD), into RAM
    2. Any data associated with the program will also be stored in RAM so that the CPU can access both the data and instructions
  • More RAM available
    • More data and applications can be stored in it
    • Better performance of the system
  • Read-only memory (ROM)

    • Stores the instructions and data needed to get the system up and running and ready to load the operating system from secondary storage
    • This special program stored on ROM is called the Bootstrap Loader and we say the process 'boots' the computer
  • Differences between RAM and ROM
    • RAM is volatile and needs power to maintain its content
    • RAM is read and write - data can be read from and written to RAM by the computer
    • ROM is non-volatile and does not require power to maintain the content
    • ROM is read-only - the computer cannot overwrite its content
  • Virtual memory
    Area of secondary storage used to temporarily store data from RAM when there is insufficient RAM to hold all the data and instructions needed
  • More RAM installed
    • Less need for virtual memory
    • Improved performance
  • The need for secondary storage
    • To store the operating system, data, images, programs, documents and various other files so they are available when the computer is switched on
  • Factors affecting choice of secondary storage
    • Capacity
    • Speed
    • Portability
    • Durability
    • Reliability
    • Cost
  • Magnetic storage

    • Uses the principle of magnetism to store data
    • Hard disk drives (HDDs) are the most common type
  • Advantages of HDDs
    • Reliable and cost-effective
    • High capacity at low cost
  • Disadvantages of HDDs
    • Less portable than solid-state drives or optical disks
    • Subject to damage if dropped or brought near to strong electric or magnetic fields
  • Solid-state storage
    • Uses flash memory technology
    • Very fast data access times compared to HDDs
    • Relatively expensive compared to HDDs
    • Typically has lower capacity than HDDs
  • Advantages of SSDs
    • Lower latency times because there are no moving parts
    • Lower power requirements and do not generate heat or noise
    • Not susceptible to problems caused by sudden movements
    • Lighter, smaller and thinner than HDDs
  • Combining SSD and HDD
    • Frequently accessed data stored on SSD
    • Large, less frequently required data stored on HDD
    • Provides speed advantage of SSD with capacity advantage of HDD at reasonable cost
  • Optical storage
    • Data stored using the properties of light
    • Typical media include CDs, DVDs and Blu-Ray disks
  • Types of optical storage
    • CD/DVD-ROM: Read-only
    • CD/DVD-R: Recordable
    • CD/DVD-RW: Rewritable
  • Flash memory
    A method of storing data that is based on electronics
  • Latency
    A delay before data can be transferred
  • Fragmented data

    Data stored in different physical locations across the disk
  • Optical storage
    • Data can be stored by using the properties of light
    • Typical optical storage media include CDs, DVDs and Blu-Ray disks
    • They are written to and read from using laser light
  • Types of optical storage media
    • CD/DVD-ROM: Read-only device with the data stored at the manufacturing stage
    • CD/DVD-R: Recordable media that can be written to once using a suitable drive
    • CD/DVD-RW: Rewriteable media that can be written to several times
  • CD
    • Holds around 700 MB of data and costs pennies
    • Used to distribute data and programs or make semi-permanent copies of data
  • DVD
    • Has a larger capacity of 4.7–8.5 GB
    • Can store more data than CDs, such as standard resolution movies
    • Has a faster access time than a CD and costs a little more, but is still only pennies
  • Blu-Ray
    • Has significantly larger capacity (25–50 GB) and much faster access speeds
    • Can be used to store large amounts of data and the much higher access speed makes them particularly suitable for high-resolution movies and console games
    • Slightly more expensive than DVDs but still reasonably inexpensive
  • Comparison of optical devices
    • CD: Typical cost 18p, Capacity 700 MB
    • DVD: Typical cost 60p-80p, Capacity 4.7 GB single layer, 8.5 GB dual layer
    • Blu-Ray: Typical cost £1.80-£3.00, Capacity 25 GB single layer, 50 GB dual layer
  • Factors to consider when choosing secondary storage media
    • Capacity: How much data does it need to store?
    • Speed: How quickly does the data need to be accessed?
    • Portability: Does the device or medium need to be transported?
    • Durability: Will the device or medium be used in a hostile environment?
    • Reliability: Does it need to be used repeatedly without failing?
    • Cost: What is the cost per unit of storage related to the value of the data?
  • Capacity and cost of storage media
    • Magnetic hard disk: Up to 15 TB, Typical cost 3p per GB
    • SSD: 250 MB up to 2 TB, Typical cost 15p per GB
    • DVD: 8.5 GB, Typical cost 9p per GB
    • Blu-Ray: 50 GB, Typical cost 6p per GB
    • CD: 700 MB, Typical cost 23p per GB
  • Access speeds of storage media
    • SSD: 200-550 MB/s
    • Magnetic hard disk: 50-120 MB/s
    • Blu-Ray disk: 72 MB/s
    • DVD: 1.32 MB/s
    • CD: 0.146 MB/s
  • Portability, durability and reliability of storage media
    • SSD: Small, low power, very portable, not subject to damage from sudden shocks, reliable for a very long time
    • Magnetic hard disk: Higher power, subject to damage from drops/magnetic fields, reliable for 5-7 years
    • CD/DVD/Blu-Ray: Light, small, portable, reasonably robust but easily damaged, CDs/DVDs fail after 10 years, Blu-Ray after 20 years
  • Bit
    One binary digit, the smallest unit of data storage
  • Byte
    8 bits grouped together, a unit of data storage
  • Nibble
    4 bits grouped together
  • Data storage units
    • 1 bit (b)
    • 1 byte (B) = 8 bits
    • 1 kilobyte (KB) = 1000 bytes
    • 1 megabyte (MB) = 1000 kilobytes
    • 1 gigabyte (GB) = 1000 megabytes
    • 1 terabyte (TB) = 1000 gigabytes
    • 1 petabyte (PB) = 1000 terabytes
  • Binary number system
    A number system that only uses the two values 1 and 0 to represent the on/off status of electronic switches
  • Binary place values
    • 128
    • 64
    • 32
    • 16
    • 8
    • 4
    • 2
    • 1
  • Most significant bit (MSB)

    The leftmost digit in a binary number, with the highest place value
  • Least significant bit (LSB)

    The rightmost digit in a binary number, with the lowest place value
  • Computers represent all data (numbers, characters, sounds and images) in binary