effective form of legislative scrutiny

Cards (3)

  • Willingness to oppose government
    Increased after 1999 reforms
    • 11 years of Thatcher the Lords defied Commons on 179 occasions
    • New Labour suffered 450 defeats
  • Delaying legislation
    Have done so on several occasions
    • War Powers Act 1991 - would allow government to prosecute war criminals even if the offence occurred outside the UK 
    • European Parliamentary Elections Act 1999 - establishing a new closed-list system for elections to the European Parliament 
    • Sexual Offenders Amendment Act 2000 - lowering the age of consent for gay men to 16 
    • The Hunting Act 2004 - banning fox hunting with packs of hounds
  • Amendments listened to
    2022 Nationality and Borders Bill amendments listened to e.g. asked government to put restrictions on the use of age assessments for asylum seekers which the government listened to