Jekyll and Hyde

Cards (59)

  • Utterson: 'shrinks back from Hyde "with a hissing intake of breath"'
  • Hyde: '"snarled"'
  • Poole: 'describes how Hyde did "cry out like a rat"'
  • Poole and Utterson: 'hear when the break into Jekyll's study "a dismal screech, as of mere animal terror"'
  • Jekyll: 'describes how "the lower side of me…began to growl"'
  • Troglodytic
    Describing Hyde
  • Murder of Danvers Carew

    Committed "with ape like fury"
  • Poole: 'describes Hyde "like a monkey jumped from among the chemicals"'
  • Jekyll describes both his
    "ape like tricks" and "ape like spite"
  • Double usage of animal imagery to describe Hyde
  • Carew bows and approaches Hyde with
    "a pretty manner of politeness"
  • Carew's face is described as
    "innocent" and having an "old wild kindness of disposition"
  • This refers to the established values between the middle and upper classes who were nervous and worried between the influx of lower classes into London for fear their way of life would change
  • Likewise with the situation of Hyde being placed in Soho
  • When Hyde is accosted for trampling the girl in chapter one

    Hyde says that "no gentleman but wishes to avoid a scene"
  • Enfield: 'describes Hyde as "perfectly cool and made no resistance"'
  • When Utterson addresses Hyde in chapter two: 'Hyde "answered coolly enough"'
  • Lanyon: 'describes how Hyde knocked "very gently on the door" and "spoke to him "civilly enough"'
  • Hyde's lodgings
    Furnished with luxury and good taste, with a closet filled with wine, silver plate, elegant napery, and a good quality painting on the walls
  • Stevenson meant that the lodgings were furnished by Hyde himself, not a gift from Jekyll
  • Utterson: 'shrinks back from Hyde "with a hissing intake of breath"'
  • Hyde: '"snarled"'
  • Poole: 'describes how Hyde did "cry out like a rat"'
  • Poole and Utterson: 'hear when the break into Jekyll's study "a dismal screech, as of mere animal terror"'
  • Jekyll: 'describes how "the lower side of me…began to growl"'
  • Murder of Danvers Carew: 'committed "with ape like fury"'
  • Poole: 'describes Hyde "like a monkey jumped from among the chemicals"'
  • Jekyll describes of Hyde
    • ape like tricks
    • ape like spite
  • Carew's approach to Hyde
    with "a pretty manner of politeness"
  • Carew's face
    described as "innocent" and having an "old wild kindness of disposition"
  • This refers to the established values between the middle and upper classes who were nervous and worried between the influx of lower classes into London for fear their way of life would change
  • Likewise with the situation of Hyde being placed in Soho
  • When Hyde is accosted
    He says "no gentleman but wishes to avoid a scene"
  • Enfield: 'describes Hyde as "perfectly cool and made no resistance"'
  • When Utterson addresses Hyde: 'Hyde "answered coolly enough"'
  • Lanyon: 'describes how Hyde knocked "very gently on the door" and "spoke to him "civilly enough"'
  • Description of Hyde's lodgings
    Furnished with luxury and good taste, with a closet filled with wine, silver plate, elegant napery, and a good quality painting on the walls
  • Stevenson stated that the lodgings were furnished by Hyde himself, not a gift from Jekyll
  • Utterson: 'shrinks back from Hyde "with a hissing intake of breath"'
  • Hyde: '"snarled" ch2'