Middle East

Cards (125)

  • Balfour Declaration

    Boosted Zionism as it appeared that Britain was supporting Jewish homeland (wanted USA to join war)
  • Jewish Immigration
    • Between 1880-1914 60,000 settled
    • By 1929 1 million Arabs to 160,000 Jews in Palestine
    • By 1939 450,000 Jews
  • Jewish immigration causes pressure
    Arab anger over immigration and Jews buying land
  • Arab Revolt (1936)
    1. Guerrilla war
    2. Britain put down harshly and supported Haganah to help them suppress violence
    3. Would leave 2,000 dead and Palestinian leadership weakened
  • Balfour Declaration hated by Arabs for obvious reasons. They said cheated out of independence and now felt threatened by scale of Jewish immigration and land purchases
  • Peel partition principle accepted by Jewish people (although disliked details), but completely rejected by Arabs who continued revolt to 1939
  • Under Peel plan, almost 300,000 Arabs would have to live in Jewish state unless they moved. Most fertile land would be in Jewish hands
  • By 1939 GB forced to set immigration quota. 10,000 Jews over 5 years. Seen as favouring Arabs – Britain did need their support in the coming war (oil supplies)
  • Britain hands over Palestine to the UN. Why? Rise in Jewish Terrorism (Insurgency)
  • UN partition plan divided Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states. Jerusalem to stay under UN control
  • Jewish state was larger than Arab state even though Jewish people made up only 1/3 of population and owned less than 1/10 of land. Arabs had no direct access to the sea
  • First Arab-Israeli War 1948-9
    1. Israel invaded on 15th May by Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq
    2. Israel win. Reasons: Haganah well trained, UN ceasefire allowed time to regroup and rearm, Zionism gave everyone a clear aim, USA support, Arab countries not united under on leadership
  • Israel gains another 21% land
  • Israel pass 'Law of Return' meaning between 1949-1954 700,000 more Jews arrive (now 3 million). Many settle in previously Arab homes
  • Palestinians fled into Gaza strip controlled by Egypt and West Bank controlled by Jordan
  • Refugee Crisis
    • 700,000 in total left homes
    • 100,00 to Lebanon and 70,000 to Jordan etc
    • Jews blame Arabs for not taking them in. Comparing their refusal to Israel's absorbing 450,000 Arab Jews. Also claim that they are deliberately kept in squalor for anti-Israeli propaganda purposes
    • Arabs claim that Palestinians should be allowed to return home
  • Nasser's aims
    • Became President 1954. Wanted more independence for Egypt, persuaded Britain to withdraw troops from Suez
    • However, also wanted to defend Egypt from Israel (Fedayeen attacks = reprisal raids) so in 1955 bought Russian arms from Czechoslovakia
    • Nationalisation of Suez Canal in 1956 due to funding for Aswan Dam being cut
  • Role of West
    USA tried to control Nasser. Held back money for Aswan Dam because thought he was siding with USSR (Czech arms deal)
  • Britain, France and Israel invade Egypt
    1. Why Britain? Thought Nasser wanting to unite Arab world and Arab oil resources under his control. Worried about longer term implications
    2. Why France? Wanted to teach Nasser a lesson for helping Algerian rebels fight against French control
    3. Why Israel? Wanted to stop Egyptian blockade of Tiran Straits and was worried about increasing military strength of Egypt (Egypt, Syria and Jordan armies under joint command)
  • Role of USA: Despite military success of invasion USA condemned action. Worried about impact on Arab states at a time when US wanted influence in region to counter USSR. Threatened to cut aid to Britain. £ lost value on worldwide markets
  • Nasser seen as a hero in Arab world – gained control of Suez and stood up to Britain and France who had long dominated Middle East
  • Arab world becomes more anti-western. Britain and France lose influence in region. Despite Nasser's reservations USSR now supplies Egypt with arms and helps to pay for Aswan Dam
  • Israeli gains: UN troops guard border between Egypt and Israel which stops border raids. UN also guard Sharm-El Sheikh to allow Israeli shipping through Straits of Tiran
  • Leads to greater superpower involvement as Middle East becomes a key part of Cold War: USSR sends 20,000 advisors by 1970. Also military aid eg air-defence system. USA sends $2 billion to Israel
  • UN declared ceasefire and Britain and France forced to withdraw
  • Tensions rise. Why?
    • Role of Syria: Syria encouraging Fatah raids (from Syria, Lebanon and Jordan), Taunted Nasser for 'hiding' behind UN, Tension with Israel over Golan Heights
    • Nasser: Economic problems at home led to him wanting a foreign policy success, Signed a defence agreement with Syria, Allowed Fedayeen raids to take place from Egyptian soil, Moved 100,000 troops to Sinai after Russia (incorrectly) told Syria that Israel was due to attack, Asked UN to leave Egyptian borders, Closed Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping – this was seen as an act of war
  • Syrian and Egyptian actions led Israel to believe that an attack was imminent – ordered a pre-emptive strike
  • Six Day War, 1967
    1. June 1967 Israeli airforce bombed airforces of Egypt, Syria and Jordan to win control of skies
    2. Within 6 days had achieved a substantial victory. Reasons: Superior equipment and training, Mobilising reserves called on 300,000 trained and experienced soldiers, Clear vision of what fighting for
  • Israel achieved: Golan Heights, Control of West Bank, Control of Gaza strip, Sinai desert, Control of E Jerusalem. Now had natural borders again
  • Economic problems at home
    Led to him wanting a foreign policy success
  • Signed a defence agreement with Syria
  • Allowed Fedayeen raids to take place from Egyptian soil
  • Moved 100,000 troops to Sinai after Russia (incorrectly) told Syria that Israel was due to attack
  • Asked UN to leave Egyptian borders
  • Closed Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping – this was seen as an act of war
  • Syrian and Egyptian actions

    Led Israel to believe that an attack was imminent – ordered a pre-emptive strike
  • June 1967 Israeli airforce bombed airforces of Egypt, Syria and Jordan to win control of skies
  • Why Israel achieved a substantial victory within 6 days

    • Superior equipment and training
    • Mobilising reserves called on 300,000 trained and experienced soldiers
    • Clear vision of what fighting for
  • What Israel achieved
    • Golan Heights
    • Control of West Bank
    • Control of Gaza strip
    • Sinai desert
    • Control of E Jerusalem
  • Now had natural borders against 3 main enemies