The trinity

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  • The trinity is used by Christians to express their belief in one god who has made himself known in three different ways :
    1. The father
    2. The son
    3. The holy spirit
    • Christians believe in one god
    • It is a monotheistic religion
    • Christians believe that there are three equal yet distinct people in god - the father , the son and the holy spirit
  • The trinity in worship and belief
    • Christians bless themselves by making the sign of the cross and offer prayers "in the name of the father , son and holy spirit"
    • Prayers such as the Lords prayer , Nicene creed and Apostles' creed refer to the trinity
    • Some church hymns refer to the father , son and the holy spirit
    • The belief in the trinity is intended to be at the centre of each Christian's individual daily relationship with god
  • The importance of the trinity
    • The trinity helps Christians understand the 3 ways that god can be understood - the father the son and the holy spirit
    • Christians understand god better by relating to all three aspects of him
  • The Nicene creed is an important statement of belief about the trinity and the different characteristic of each role. It states that:

    • The father is the powerful creator of everything - "maker of heaven and earth , of all that is seen and unseen"
    • The son of Jesus Christ who came to earth as god in human form (incarnation) and was crucified to redeem humanity's sins - "For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven"
    • The holy spirit is the invisible power of god that works within the world today to guide and inspire us - "The giver of life , who proceeds from the father and the son"