conservative new right 1979-1997

Cards (15)

  • conservative governments that view NF as ideal and opposes state intervention within family life
  • argue NF reflects organic divisions of labour
    • families that perform instrumental/expressive roles are 'self reliant'
  • firmly reject 'alternative family' as they have a damaging impact on children and the state
  • murray
    blames welfare state for causing the increase in lone parent families and dependency culture where individuals can depend on the state to support families
    • views benefits as 'perverse incentives' that rewards irresponsible behaviour
    eg. fathers abandoning children as there are single parent benefits
  • by cutting welfare benefits places more pressure on parents to take care of their children
  • the children act 1989

    a piece of legislation that clearly outlined the rights of children
  • child support agency 1993
    established to ensure that fathers pay maintenance for the children to discourage single parenthood and having kids outside marriage
  • tax and welfare benefits
    introduced for married couples to reduce cohabitation and divorce and to encourage marriage
  • section 28
    the government prevented the teaching and promotion of homosexuality to discourage alternative families and relationships
  • privatised care for the elderly
    placed strain on poorer families, in which women would usually take responsibility
  • margaret thatcher cut free milk at school for nursery kids so parents can provide for their own children
  • X new right policies blame the victim (single parents) rather than society
  • X these policies increased inequality and poverty amongst the w/c who rely on the state
  • X feminists argue these policies uphold gender inequalities as no measures where taken to introduce free/reduced childcare costs which then forces women to perform the expressive role
  • X the government's aim to maintain the traditional NF failed in this period as there was:
    • the largest growth in family diversity
    • the largest increase in divorces
    • the largest reduction is marriages
    • important changes in attitudes to sexual orientation