vs environment: Traffic congestion on narrow rural roads leads to high levels of air and noise pollution
vs environment: People may leave litter lying around which scars the landscape. Also, litter if eaten by wildlife can harm or kill
vs environment: Shooting sports may be dangerous and results in the death of wildlife
vs environment: Camping - tents ruining endangered plant species whilst fires also scar the landscape and cause pollution
vs farmers: Fencing and walls may be damaged by people climbing over them, creating an unnecessary expense for the farmer
vs farmers: Hikers may leave fences open and animals may escape, farmer loses profits
vs farmers: People may leave litter lying around which scars the landscape. Also, litter if eaten by livestock can harm or kill them. Results in a loss of profit for farmer
vs farmers: Dogs off leash can cause sheep worrying leading to miscarriages which will reduce farmers income
vs locals: Tourists buying second homes pushes prices up for locals and can lead to rural depopulation, which can reduce demand for local services and they may close
vs locals: Tourists visiting by car may park illegally on narrow roads, this leads to soil erosion and traffic congestion. May also block locals access to their driveways/houses
vs locals: An increased number of tourists during times such as school/bank holidays, leads to overcrowding of the area and traffic congestion and results in longer journey times for locals
vs farmers: Hikers may trespass farmland which destroys/damages crops which results in lower yields and reduced profits for farmer