Lifestyle Changes

Cards (5)

  • Reduction in stress
    Stress can lower motivation, can affect adherence. Therefore, is stress lowered or managed, it may improve adherence
    Lifestyle changes to reduce stress involve use of techniques like mindfulness or avoiding situation that cause high stress
  • Improved self-esteem and self-confidence-
    • Lack of confidence/low-self esteem could lead to people not adhering to medical advice.
    E.g: an obese patient with low self-esteem may not feel they are able to adhere to medical advice to change their diet.
    Intervention could focus on boosting self-esteem and therefore boosting self-efficacy that they can be successful.
  • Emotional resilience-
    Those with emotional resilience are more likely to ‘bounce back’ from setbacks.
    Increasing emotional resilience is a way of increasing the likely that someone can adhere to medical advice, despite the occasional set back.
  • Insight into own behaviour-
    Some habits or behaviours are ‘habitual’ or ‘subconscious’.
    They happen without thought, sometime the client may not realise what they’re doing.
    It can be helpful to guide people to understand and challenge their own behaviour and habits.
  • Improved outlook on life-
    Optimistic people are more likely to see the value in adhering to medical advice, compared to pessimistic people.
    They are more likely to look at see the goof things that could happen in the future, rather than dwelling on the negative aspects of the past.