new labour government 1997-2010

Cards (12)

  • led by tony blair who viewed NF as ideal and believed parents must take responsibility for their kids
  • traditional gender roles, favoring dual earner neo conventional families were rejected
  • believed that state intervention can improve family life
  • working tax credits 2003
    provided a tax allowance for families with children to help pay for childcare
    designed to encourage both parents to work rather than encouraging one staying at home
  • minimum wage act 1998
    ensures workers receive fair pay which can positively impact family well being
  • employment relations act 1999

    introduces a new right to parental leave and time off for domestic incidents
    • allowed parents to take up to 3 months leave = increasing the role of father in childcare
  • adoption reform act 2004
    aimed to improve adoption support by making adoption more accessible and successful
    gave unmarried and same sex couples the opportunity to adopt
  • civil partnerships act 2005
    allowed same sex relationships to be legally recognised in society
  • equality act 2010
    outlaws all forms of discrimination in society
  • TICK policies welcomed by most people
  • X radical feminists argue more progress is needed to improve women's condition in family
  • X new right criticises these policies for creating a 'nanny state'