Methods: first person (we - collective), religious imagery (bread=Jesus' body: we are one body in the eyes of God)
(Act 3) "We are responsible for each other"
Methods: juxtaposition (Mr B- "A man must care for his own..."), first person plural pronoun ("we"), link to war
(Act 3) "And I tell you the time will soon come when if men don't learn that lesson, then they will be taught it in fire and blood and anguish"
Methods: tricolon, war imagery, imperatives
(Act _) "Burnt her insides out, of course [...] she was in great agony" (describing Eva's death to Sheila)
Methods: shocking imagery (manipulates Sheila's femininity and perspective), casual tone contrasts imagery (emphasises the horror of her death)
(Act _) "After all, it is better to ask for the Earth than to take it"
Method: juxtaposing verbs ("ask" vs "take")
(Act_) G: "we are respectable citizens, not criminals"
I: "Sometimes there isn't as much difference as you think"
Methods: accusatory tone, juxtaposing adjective and collective noun ("respectable" vs "criminals"), irony (Eric is a thief, they are a morally corrupt family)
(Act_) "to put ourselves in the place of these young women counting their pennies"
Methods: noun "pennies" (emphasised low wage - guilt-tripping), verb "counting" (desperation), shows that there are more women than just Eva in this situation, which ended up killing her
(Act_) "but you can't. It's too late. She's dead."
Methods: short sentences (blunt + impactful)
Supernatural: Goole is a homophone for Ghoul.
"Goole. G: double O-L-E" (Act 1)
(Act 3) "you're not even sorry now...Who is to blame then?"
Methods: religious element (choosing good in the face of temptation - Adam and Eve), inspector is removed just as they have to make this choice and the older Birlings fail the test.
Through socialism you will return to innocence and purity.
(Act_) "And now [Eva] will make you pay a heavier price still"
Methods: reference to war (millions of women got jobs, income, autonomy and a degree of power), socialist message - women should keep their jobs but also need to vote for a fairer (socialist) society so they aren't exploited
Repetition of the verb "remember"
Delivering the main, poignant message - he knows they won't remember
Eric would've been sent to war and may have died, like his whole generation, which is why control remained with the older generation and change did not happen